Ch 13

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I'm half expecting for (Y/N) to show for a drink tonight. I've seen their drinking habits, but perhaps they went to the Cat's Tail tonight. I sigh as I see Jean coming across the street to the bar. I have listened to her problems, but these problems have managed to become my problems. I can't help but be slightly upset with her. I duck down under the counter and pretend to be doing something as she comes in through the door. "Diluc?" She calls my name out, I hope she goes. Even though it's rowdy tonight, I hear her try my office, so I pop back up.

"Jean." She turns towards me with a smile. "Did you need something?" She sits at the bar, which isn't usually empty.

"Yes, I came to ask you." Her face starts to heat up. "If you'd... maybe.. like to go out with me." My eyes widen and I drop the glass I'm cleaning. Of course (Y/N) was right about Jean, but I was too busy trying to help her to see what it looked like.

"No." I head to the back to grab a broom hurriedly, before I see Jean's reaction. It was only slightly her fault, but it was the last straw for (Y/N). We would've happier together if I had realized Jean would be a problem. Arguing every night about her and Kaeya, sleeping angry every night. Never apologizing the next morning. Only for it to happen all over again. Seeing them kiss Kaeya again.. made my blood boil. It was finally too much for me. How did I let things get so bad.

Once I'm back home I check my phone, Jean has tried to call over 10 times. It's 12 in the morning, she wouldn't be awake anymore. I set down my phone and look towards my now empty home. They took everything that was theirs. No one to make me dinner, no one to sleep in my arms, and no one to talk to myself about. Even though it's been months, its hard adjusting to not having them around. It's only a break, and it's made me realize how much I really should've appreciated (Y/N). I look in my fridge, barely anything. I'll have to pick up some groceries and.. Crap. I told Jean I'd take her and Amber to the mall tomorrow. Her car broke down just last week, even so, she's been overly dependent on me. I send her a text.
I'll still take you to the mall tomorrow, and I'll be dealing with a few more things that concerns you. However, I have no intention on talking to you about what happened.
I decide to go to sleep, I still have work tomorrow. More paperwork than anything, then I can clock out.

Morning rolls around, I'll just eat something in the bar. (Y/N) never liked me eating that food. I look over at the text Jean sent. It's just an ok. Once the time for me to pick her up comes by I haven't finished too much of my work. I'll have to come by again tonight. Hopefully, this mall trip won't take too long.

I'm outside Jean's house and she comes out promptly. "Hey." She sounds awkward, so I only give her a heads up. Once she buckles up I start heading to Amber's house. I turn on the radio, but that's when she starts to speak. "I'm sorry about last night.. I guess I read you wrong. Maybe we could still be friends?" That's out of the question, if (Y/N) found out they'd freak.

"I don't think you understand Jean. I never broke up with (Y/N), and I understand why you would think that. However, we're on a break. I couldn't deal with what was going on at the time. Even though it's been a few months, I'm still in love with (Y/N) and I do plan to get back with them." The thought of seeing (Y/N) happy again makes me smile slightly. We're coming closer to Amber's house. "If (Y/N) found out about what you said, it'd just make things worse." I park the car and watch Jean get out. The song me and (Y/N) used to listen to comes on. I smile at the memory of us dancing in the living room, I want to spend time with them like that again. I look over to the house and (Y/N) waving goodbye, the slight smile still on my face. They slam the door upon seeing me, my smile falters. I really messed up this time. I groan just as Jean comes in the car. "Where are we going ladies?" They give me directions to the mall and we're there in no time at all. I follow behind them, I would head back to work and wait for them to ask me to pick them up, however it's a waste of gas. In my opinion at least. They see a new pet shop, stopping briefly to look at the animals on display.

"Klee has been telling me she's been wanting a turtle." She clicks her tongue. "But I know she'll get tired of it quickly, and then I'll have to take care of it." Amber listens to her intently. I remember having a turtle as a pet growing up, while Klee isn't the most responsible I'm sure she'd love it no matter what. It's something manageable too.. As I'm lost in thought about the turtle, the two start walking off.

Towards the end of the night, I'm holding half of the things they've bought and they've decided on a restaurant. A dessert restaurant, Amber seems hesitant. "Well I think this is where I'll sit out.. you and Diluc should head in together." The two start whispering and Amber starts seeming disappointed. I guess she told her about me rejecting her. Amber takes a few glances at me and grumble. What a pain. Jean isn't the type to rely on someone, she thought she finally found the one she could. I turn on my heel, I'll just wait in the car while they sort this out.

They come eventually, no food in hand. I drive them to Amber's house first, where Jean also gets out. I don't say anything and decide to head back to the bar. I've got plenty of work to do.

Fly Away, Promising To Return (DilucxReader)Where stories live. Discover now