A New Neighbor

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A/n: This is a shorter book, complete as of 03/30/2022. It was a previous draft that I almost deleted but decided to bring back. I hope you enjoy, please stay tuned for the next book!

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Violence, language, mentions of trafficking, abuse, Non-descript scenes of a violent sexual nature, murder, etc. Read at your own risk.

How long has it been now? Weeks, months, years? I've lost count. The only real indication of time passing is the sliver of light that appears at the corner of the hall for a few hours a day. It's the only bit of light that I've seen since I was brought here at least a year ago. Every so often I see the only guard that remembers to feed me, but that's typically several days in-between each visit. I haven't seen another person since. I don't know why they don't just execute me now and get it over with. I haven't been brought out for interrogation or a trial, I've just been wasting away.

I lift my head from my knees as the tell-tale sound of jingling keys announces the arrival of my food. It's been a while since I was given anything and the dull ache has turned into spiking pain. It may not be food after all. There's a voice accompanying the jingling along with another metallic sound. Are they bringing in another prisoner? I briefly had a companion at some point but they were executed in three days. I don't miss them though, because he was a rather creepy old man who spent his time whistling at me and putting his arm through the bars, trying to coax me closer like a dog.

"Are you kidding me? This is the dumbest excuse for arresting someone that I have ever heard. I just hope you realize that I'm not staying in here. I'll be out before you can even blink then I'm going to kick your asses. Honestly though, what sort of guards do you think you are? There was six of you and one of me yet I was able to waltz up and kill your boss without even a scratch on me. I'd fire you if I were him."

I'm sure this will be interesting.

The only light right now is from a lantern one of the guards is carrying so I can't really see, but they've opened the door to the cell beside me and I can hear the painful thud of them shoving the newcomer to the ground. They've never been gentle when dealing with prisoners. The lock clicks into place and the lantern moves away from us, leaving me in pitch black darkness with whoever this is beside me. Good thing I am staying on this side of my cell so they can't hurt me. I don't know what he's doing now, but I can hear him mumbling under his breath about different ways to possibly escape. I hate to break it to him, but I've tried every one of those methods and none of them worked.

"There's no way out." My voice is quiet and cracks from being silent for so long but his rants cut off immediately.

"I had no idea there was someone in here."

"I've been here for a long time." I sigh.

I still can't see him so I know he can't see me but I can hear a very slight rustle as he moves closer to the bars separating us.

"Why are you here?"

"Because they won't kill me."

"What's your name?" He asks after a moment.

I could lie or simply not give my name, but I don't see why I would. He won't be around long I'm sure and I've never been attached to anyone so it won't matter.


"I'm Obi, the pleasure is all mine."

"I'm going to stop you there. I've been trapped in this cell for at least a year, probably longer, and I'd rather be alone again than deal with you if you're going to try to flirt with me."

He chuckles and apologizes, then I hear him move again.

"So while I'm here, how are the amenities?"

"You may get fed once every so often if the one guard who cares enough to is on shift. Beyond that, this is it. No blankets, towels, pillows, anything. I only have water more often because there is a slight crack in the stone and rain water leaks through."

"I'm going to get us out of here." He sounds so determined and hopeful. I'm going to break his heart in a minute.

"Trust me, Obi, I've been here long enough to have exhausted every possible option for escape. We're stuck here until they let us out and that only allows us a minor freedom until we get the noose."

"I, My Dear, am a professional. I'll have us out in no time."

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." I shrug before leaning my head against the bars in my corner. "While you exhaust yourself doing that, I'm going to pretend that I can sleep away the cold. Is it winter out there?"

"It just snowed this morning. Not trying to sound lewd, but what are you wearing?"

"What used to be really nice pants and a silk tunic. They're not in good shape anymore though. Why?"

"Here, this isn't much but it might help. I can't see you but I've put it through the bars."

"Move to the other side of your cell and tap the bars so I can hear that you're there."

After ensuring that he can't get anywhere near me, I slowly move over to the other side of my home, one hand moving around the stone floor in search of whatever it is he's tried to give me. My hand brushes fabric and after a bit of blind inspection, I realize it's a coat.

"I can't accept this. I'm used to the cold, you'll need it more."

"I have another coat on right now. Take it and get some rest."

I move back to my corner and use it as a blanket once I've curled up in a ball.

"Thank you... Just try to keep it down over there. I've got a running record of peaceful nights, don't ruin it for me."

"I'll do my best." I hear a soft chuckle before more slight movements from him investigating his cell I'm sure.

I close my eyes and try to relax in the slight warmth his coat brings. I hold back a laugh as a few minutes later I hear him hit the bars and curse.

"Please tell me you didn't try to break the bars with your bare hand?" I mumble.


"If you continue to be that stupid then I hope they collect you soon, no offense."

"None taken... I think?" 

Locked Away *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now