An Unlikely Friend

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It's not as cold when I wake up this time. I can't tell if the weather just isn't as cold today or if it really is because I spent the night curled up against the bars with Obi beside me. To say I wasn't nervous about being near Obi would have been a complete lie, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He didn't try anything and spent the evening until I fell asleep telling me different stories of his travels. I'd asked what he did before he was captured. He didn't sound too convincing with his answer, but he told me that he was a traveling merchant. I never really got to see much of the world even before my capture, so I asked him to tell me about the world. It sounded amazing coming from him, it's just too bad I won't be able to experience it in person.

I glance over at Obi through the bars and really look at him for the first time. I always kept my distance from him, so I didn't get to see as much as I can now. He's rather handsome actually. He's been basically nonstop active since he arrived, not even sleeping to my knowledge, but he seems to be sleeping peacefully now. A small smile tugs at my lips but I can't seem to get it to actually be more than a small twitch. My body immediately jerks as Obi shifts in his sleep and I guess the slight squeak of fear that escapes is enough to wake him. He sits up straighter, then yawns and stretches before looking over at me with a sleepy lopsided grin. I'm taken back by his eyes. I couldn't really tell much about them with the distance and low light, but I didn't expect them to be a bright golden color, let alone so catlike.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"I-I- uh, it was fine, thank you..." I mumble as I tear my gaze away. "How did you sleep?"

"It's definitely not as comfy as some of the other places I've slept, but it was warm enough." He shrugs.

The door opens at the end of the hall, drawing our attention. My thoughts go to Norye immediately. I don't think I can handle another assault. The keys jingling starts my hands trembling and I want so badly to hide away in my corner, but I can't get myself to move. Something touches my left hand and I jerk on instinct before looking down. Obi reached through the bars and his hand is holding mine. I look up from our hands to meet his gaze.

"I'm right here." He tells me and somehow, it's comforting.

"Morning Leels- oh, we have a newcomer. I'll 'ave to bring more food then, eh?"

My body relaxes almost instantly as Wroen comes into view with a plate of food and a wooden cup of water.

"You don' look so good, did Norye visit again?" A dark look crosses his face but I nod. "I thought he might have, so I snuck ye in a little something extra."

A broad grin crosses his face as he pulls a small wrapped bundle from his tunic pocket and places it through the bars after sliding the plate underneath.

"Wroen, can I ask... since Master is dead, what will become of me?" I ask quietly.

"Sadly, that I do not know. I can try to ask around and see what I can find out."

"Who has Mariena?"

"She's wit' me for the time being. I found her wanderin' the streets a few days ago and took her in. I knew you'd want her to be safe."

"Thank you."

"I think I can sneak her in to see ye if you'd like."

Tears spring to my eyes as I think of seeing my precious baby girl's face but I can't let her see me like this. I don't want her last memory of her mother to be a sickly pale creature huddled up in a prison cell.

"N-No, thank you... I-I don't want her to see me like this."

"As ye wish. So, newcomer, who're ye?"

"If you care to bring her food and take care of her daughter and such, why have you done nothing to free her? She's been down here for how long now, and you've done nothing?" Obi growls.


"I don't understand how you could let her waste away down here, especially knowing that prick comes to torture her!"

"Listen, I couldn't exactly waltz out the door wit' her, now can eh? This is one of the heaviest guarded prisons in Tanbarun. Now that Pryen is gone, I migh' be able to do somethin'. Now, do ye want food or not?"

Wroen comes and goes again, bringing Obi food and telling us that he'll try to come back within a couple of days with some sort of information. When he left the first time, Obi tried to get me to go grab the food and eat, but I refused. I wanted to wait for him to have food as well. Once we're alone again, Obi and I get up to claim our respective dishes and I pick up the bundle that Wroen gave me as extra. He never said what it was, so I'm curious. The food isn't bad. There's a small pile of mashed potatoes, a few roasted carrots, a roll, and a very rare treat... a piece of chicken. Obi's plate looks the same. I can feel him watching me carefully as I start to eat, but a few minutes later he starts to eat as well.

"I promise it's not poisoned." I chuckle softly.

"You can never be too sure. Even if it wasn't poisoned, there was still the chance that it would've tasted bad."

"When you're imprisoned and food availability is scarce, no food is bad food."

"So what'd he give you?"

My eyes move to the bundle before I set my plate aside to check it out. I unwrap it and find a slightly smeared but still life-changing amazingly beautiful slice of cake.

"It's cake. I haven't had cake in years, even before I came here."

"Make sure to eat your food first. Don't make yourself sick on cake."

"Yes Father." I retort, earning a chuckle in response.

After we eat, my focus goes back to the cake. It's a small, square piece with chocolate frosting. I sigh softly before carefully tearing it in half, then hold out half of it through the bars.

"No, no. That's yours, Leira. You deserve it more."

"Take it. You've taken care of me since you got here. Consider it a thank you." 

Locked Away *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now