The Return *END*

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~6 Months Later~

I kiss Mariena's head as she heads out of the cottage to go to school. I'm glad she's enjoying it since this is the first school she's attended. Wroen signed her up for it while she stayed with him but she'd only attended a few classes before Obi and I broke out of prison together. I let her start back after the beginning of the planting season break ended and she's been so excited about it. Sadly, I don't know much to be able to help her with her homework but Wroen has been tutoring her to help her along.

Now that she's off to school, I have to go to work. Wroen helped me look for a job and I landed a job as a server in a diner for a few days a week but shortly after that I picked up a second job for the rest of the days in a tavern at night. On the nights I work, she stays at Wroen's just up the street. I never thought my life would end up like this, on my own with my daughter, free from Pryen, free from prison... It's everything I could have ever dreamed of. I just wish that I could see Obi again... I haven't seen him since he left Wroen's cottage six months ago. He told me he would come back but there hasn't been any sign of him, not even a letter. I hope he's alright... Wroen tells me not to worry, but given Obi's background and how I met him... I think I am justified in my concerns.

The bell above the door to the diner jingles and I call out a generic greeting as I continue to pile my tray with dishes and drinks. Wednesday mornings are always busy but the other server didn't come in so I'm on my own. I circle through the tables dropping off drinks and plates, then leave a menu on my newcomer's table and complete my lap before returning to take their order.

"Good morning, I'm so sorry for your wait. My name is Leira and I'll be your server. What can I get for-" I look up to smile at them and my heart skips a beat. "-you...?"

Obi seems to ignore my shock and props his elbow on the table to support his head as he smiles up at me.

"I think I'll take two cups of coffee and two plates of the special... and for the beautiful server to take her break to eat with me."

"I can't." I sigh. "The other server didn't come in so I have to do everything and it's a busy morning."

"Fine... but I want the second order to be brought to me whenever you get off so you can eat too."

I find Obi waiting outside of the diner for me when I get off. He smiles at me and opens his mouth to speak but I punch him in the arm. He whines that I 'struck' him and that I'm not grateful that he's come back to grace me with his presence.

"I appreciate your return but WHY did it take six months? I thought something happened to you or you forgot about me."

"I could never forget about The Lady of Prison Cell Four."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "So, what kept you away for so long? You know Mariena asked about you too."

"I uh- briefly found myself as the Lord of Clarines Prison Cell Six... and had a proper fitting with the gallows... and gained a new scar from a long sword..."


"It's okay," He chuckles, before shushing me. "I'm alive, aren't I? I'll explain more when we're not in the public eye."

Obi and I settle at my kitchen table so I can eat and he can catch me up on the last six months. Apparently after he left Wroen's, he traveled to Clarines to pick up random jobs. About three months in, he was attacked and wounded across his chest. After he healed he ran a few jobs involving Wistal Castle and got captured. He managed to escape his execution thanks to The Pack interfering in order to save their Leader. It was enough of a distraction for him to cut the rope and free himself. Once he escaped he decided to come back.

"So you only came back because you almost died? I feel the love."

"I had actually planned on returning after the three months but I got hurt. Once I got healed I just... got distracted. I knew if I came back hurt you'd yell at me."

"Well coming back six months later to tell me you almost died doesn't exactly make me feel any better but I'm not going to yell at you... I'm just glad you're back. Wait... How did you know I worked at the diner?"

"I have my ways, Darling. You look rather adorable in that uniform by the way."

I say goodnight to Mariena and tuck her in before closing the door. She was excited to see Obi and we spent the afternoon together with her mostly catching him up on her schooling and the friends she's made. She finally wore herself out after dinner so I carried her to bed after she fell asleep in her chair. I return to the main room to find him standing in the center looking around. I haven't had much extra money to decorate properly, but I was able to get some plants and one of the neighbors gave me a few curtain panels. Mariena has been decorating one wall with her drawings and any of her school papers that got good grades.

"It's not much but it's a work in progress."

"It looks great. It feels cozy, like an actual home." He turns to look at me with a smile.

"Well thank you. Can I offer you a drink?"

Obi leads me out into the back yard and we sit in the grass to look up at the stars while we drink. I've missed his company more than I thought. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm just enjoying the peace. I definitely do think that I got attached to you somewhere along the way."

"Oh really?" I feel him shift slightly, then his hand takes mine. "I'm glad to hear that didn't change while I was gone."

"How long will you be here?" I ask quietly.

"Here in this house? Well, that sort of depends on your willingness to let me stay. In the village, I'm not sure. In Tanbarun, for a few months at least. Why? Are you afraid you're going to miss me? Besides, you still owe me a dinner date."

"You know, you tease me for this but you haven't spoken much on how you fe-"

My words fade out as he gently lifts my face toward his.

"I'm sorry, I'm not really good with words."

"Then show me." I whisper and he closes the distance between us.

Locked Away *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now