Your Majesty

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I hug Mariena tightly before Wroen walks her next door to be watched by the elderly woman next door. I was able to eat a small breakfast and run a brush through my hair before it was time to leave. Obi hugged me and wished me luck, promising that he would be hiding out in the vicinity of the castle to wait for us to come back out. Despite saving me and being a great man, I know his background wouldn't grant him the clemency he deserves.

The closer we get to Shenazard Castle, the more my hands tremble and my stomach twists. I don't want to go back into that prison. I don't want to never see Mariena again. I don't know how we have been lucky enough that Norye hasn't tried coming after us. I know that by now someone's let him out of my cell and the others woke up. For all I know he's gone to Prince Raji himself about prisoners escaping and he could be waiting for us to arrive so we can be arrested. If that happens, Wroen may be captured as well for harboring me. They have no proof that Obi was with us since he isn't here now, but there's no denying that Wroen helped me.

"Ye'll be a'right, Leels. Prince Raji won' send ye back, I'm sure of it."

"I hope so... but what if Norye got to him first?"

"I doub' it, seein' as he had ye imprisoned wit'out clearin' it with him."

"I hope not..."

"A'right, deep breath. Le's do this."

My heart is trying to beat it's way out of my chest... By the time we make it to wherever it is Prince Raji wants to meet us, I'm just going to have my heart fall onto the floor with me. I don't think he'd be too fond of me bleeding out on his floors though. Each marble tile looks like it costs more than my life twenty times over. Wroen elbows me lightly and tells me to breathe as we stop in front of a set of doors. This is it. My future depends on what happens on the other side of these doors. I've never even seen Prince Raji before and my first meeting will have me looking absolutely like a member of the undead in a comically large tunic and Wroen's underwear. I don't even have shoes. Perhaps he'll be so offended by my ragged appearance that he'll immediately have me cast away to the prison again just so I won't be in his sight anymore.

I find myself being led into the room by Wroen. I didn't even hear them exchange words through the door or notice the doors themselves being opened. I lift my gaze from my bruised feet to find a young brunet man seated in a chair behind a desk. I knew the prince was young but I hadn't anticipated someone in their late teens. Regardless, I avoid his direct eye contact and bow deeply once we come to a stop.

"Thank ye for seein' us, Yer Majesty." Wroen speaks, since I am far too afraid to. "This is Miss Leira Welhim."

"T-Thank you for seeing me, Your Majesty." I manage to get out just slightly more than a whisper.

I straighten to find Prince Raji staring intently at me. He flips through some papers his attendant hands him then refocuses on me. I'd like to melt into the floor right about now.

"Miss Welhim, could you please take a seat and tell me all about yourself and what led to your imprisonment? Food, drink, anything?"

"N-No, no, thank you Sir."

I recount my life in vague details up until my arrival at Master's and the subsequent birth of my child, then of course Norye's brother's death and my imprisonment. At Wroen's quiet insistence, I tell Prince Raji about how Norye treated me while in the prison. Silence falls on the room as I finish speaking and I drop my gaze to my hands as they nervously fidget with the hem of my tunic. Wroen pats my arm sympathetically and I offer him a thin false smile. I don't know what's going to happen now but it all rests in Prince Raji's hands.

"I... I'm so sorry that this happened to you, Miss Welhim. I had no idea such things were going on in my kingdom, let alone within my own staffing."

"It's alright, Your Majesty, I mean you rule over an entire kingdom, I'm just one person..."

"That's still unacceptable. Sakaki!" I jolt at the sudden change of volume as he gets to his feet. "I want full amnesty for Miss Welhim and we will go to the prison at once to speak with the guards on post!"

I can't hide the smile tugging at my lips. I'm finally fully and legally free! I can be with my daughter again! I find myself absently reaching for Wroen's arm to tap it excitedly.

"Miss Welhim, if there is anything I can do to help you out, please let me know. I want this transition for you and your daughter to go as smoothly as possible."

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty, but I think I will be alright. Thank you for all of your help."

Wroen and I stand and I bow again before following him out.

Obi meets us outside the castle gates and asks how it went. I try my best to fake a sad expression but it doesn't work and I tell him what happened. He smiles, then ducks into the shadows as Prince Raji and his attendant pass by. Once they're gone, we start on our path back to Wroen's cottage. Wroen has offered to let Mariena and me stay with him until I can get my strength back and get a job. I ask Obi if he's come up with any plans on what to do while we were gone.

"Not entirely, a little of this, a little of that." He shrugs. "So long as I can avoid Wroen and his colleagues, I think I'll be alright."

We stop in front of Ms. Brea's house to pick up Mariena and I pause my conversation with Obi as I hear Mrs. Brea tell Wroen that my daughter isn't with her.

"What do you mean Mariena isn't here?" I ask.

"One of Mr. Wroen's work friends came and picked her up, said he was taking her back to her father's house to wai-"


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