Coming Home

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Obi meets us outside the castle gates and asks how it went. I try my best to fake a sad expression but it doesn't work and I tell him what happened. He smiles, then ducks into the shadows as Prince Raji and his attendant pass by. Once they're gone, we start on our path back to Wroen's cottage. Wroen has offered to let Mariena and me stay with him until I can get my strength back and get a job. I ask Obi if he's come up with any plans on what to do while we were gone.

"Not entirely, a little of this, a little of that." He shrugs. "So long as I can avoid Wroen and his colleagues, I think I'll be alright."

We stop in front of Ms. Brea's house to pick up Mariena and I pause my conversation with Obi as I hear Mrs. Brea tell Wroen that my daughter isn't with her.

"What do you mean Mariena isn't here?" I ask.

"One of Mr. Wroen's work friends came and picked her up, said he was taking her back to her father's house to wai-"


I feel my heart drop to my stomach and my feet start to move of their own accord. I knew Norye would be angry about what happened at the prison and my escape, but I didn't think he knew how to track Mariena down. I hear Wroen and Obi calling out for me but I can't stop, I can't turn around, I can't speak. Master Pryen's house is across the village and there's no telling what that nightmare of a man is going to do to her. My steps falter slightly as his house comes into view. I haven't set foot in here in three years... Not since I was forcibly dragged away in the middle of the night by Pryen and Norye after I was battered and abused. My baby is in that hell hole again though and I can't let anything happen to her again. I swallow my fear and the weakness let the anger take over as I push the door open and step inside.

Everything is pretty much how I remember it from three years ago down to the furniture layout. I still remember where the rooms are and I know Norye wants to hurt me as much as possible mentally and physically, so I know exactly where he has her. I hurry up the steps despite my knees wanting to give out. It's a miracle that I've made it this far, considering how frail and malnourished I am, but I think it's just my love for my daughter and the adrenaline. It won't hold out long but if I die saving my daughter then so be it but I will drag that sick bastard to the depths of Hell with me so he can be reunited with his brother. I hear Mariena scream and my heart lurches. If he touches her I swear-

"Leira! Wait!" Wroen calls out but I ignore him and his footsteps following behind me. "Yer not strong 'nough to take on Norye yerself!"

I don't know where Obi is, I can't hear his footsteps or his breathing. I know back in the prison he moved fairly silently though so he could be following us.

My feet slide on the rug in the hall on the second floor and my mind goes back to all the nights I'd slip on the same rug trying to get away from Pryen and his friends. I shake those thoughts away as I hear his voice and her sobbing coming from her old bedroom.

"I said shut up you little brat!"

I reach the doorway as he raises his hand to hit her again. I can see the red marks on her face and arms already.

"I want to go home! Where's Mommy?"

"I'm right here, baby." I speak up. "Let her go, Norye. I'm here now and I know that's what you wanted so let my daughter go."

"This little brat is the reason my brother is dead!"

"Mari, cover your ears. I am the reason your brother is dead. Not her. If he hadn't tried to put his hands on her, I wouldn't have killed him. Now let her go. You wanted me, right?"

His glare doesn't leave me as I see his mind working out a decision. He growls his frustration before shoving her across the room away from us. "Stay over there, brat! You, get in here."

"Leira? Mariena?" That's Norye...

"Don't say a word or I'll slit her throat." 

Locked Away *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now