You Did It

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Norye strides toward me after re-locking my door and jerks me to my feet. I fight to keep my grip on Obi's hand but it slips away regardless. I try to keep calm by repeating Obi's plan in my head. Maybe I can do it and I'll be okay. Before I can do anything, my body is slammed against the stone wall and I can feel the sting of a cut on my cheek. I try to push back against him but my body is so weak and frail it doesn't move him in the slightest. Norye knocks me to the floor, then kicks me in the ribs, breaking at least one but the force sends my body into the bars separating me from Obi. Hopefully it will be enough for Obi to do what he needs to do.

I watch in fear as Norye crosses my cell toward me, his boots thudding on the floors with every step. I want to move, to cower or try to run, but I know that would only delay Obi's possible help. I hear Obi quietly tell me to move out of the way when he gives the word and to put myself against the far wall. Norye reaches down to grab my arm but Obi tells me to move so I roll out of the way and hurry across the cell despite the pain.

As I tuck myself into the corner of the cell, I watch Obi grab onto Norye's forearm with one hand and slam him into the bars. He brings his other hand out and hits him in the face, though I can't see exactly where. I blink and Norye is on the floor of my cell unconscious.

"Leira, are you okay?" Obi asks me as he straightens and wipes blood from his knuckles.

I nod slowly. "I think so but I think he broke my ribs."

"I need you to get his keys so I can get us out of here, alright? He's unconscious so he won't be able to hurt you."

I start to move but the closesr I get the more my hands tremble and the fear washes over me. I take a deep, calming breath and reach down to his belt loop and take his keys. I hand them to Obi through the bars and watch as he tries to unlock his cell. Norye's hand latches onto my ankle as he starts to stir. I squeak and kick him on instinct, knocking him out again. Obi chuckles and asks if I'm okay. My eyes widen as I hear the metallic click of the lock opening.

"You did it..." I whisper as his eyes meet mine. "You did it!"

"Try to keep your distance from Norye while I get your cell unlocked, okay? I'm going to get you out of here."

I watch Obi leave his cell and come to the door to mine. Now that he's free it should only take a moment and we'll be out of here. I don't know how to feel about this. I've been here in this cell for so long and now within just a handful of seconds I will take my first steps toward freedom. Obi's attack was brilliant but I'm not sure how we will be able to get past the rest of the guards. I'm not in any sort of shape to be able to fight anyone, and that beating I took from Norye was enough to take up most of my energy. I'm not sure how long I'll even be able to stand upright.

"Alright Leira, are you ready to go find your daughter?" Obi asks as he holds his hand out for me to take.

"I- how will we make it out? I can't help you and there are so many people..."

"I will protect you, I promise. You've been here long enough."

I take a deep breath as I take his hand and follow him out of the cell. For my amusement, I close the door behind me, locking Norye's unconscious body within my personal hell.

Obi and I make our way through the maze of corridors and stairs, following his memorized pathing to bring us up to ground level. I'm free. I'll get to see my daughter again. I'll get to see the sky, the grass, the trees, birds, everything. I will get to breathe fresh air and eat food again. Obi stops short near a set of iron barred doors and he presses me gently against the wall just around the corner. He mouths for me to stay back, then he moves into the corridor and clears his throat. That noise brings the guards around judging by the metallic clanging of armor and weaponry coming our way. I stay back and with my view point, I watch Obi move and fight, making it look as simple and effortless as breathing. It's absolutely incredible and something I think I should find terrifying, but I hold no fear of Obi.

Obi returns to me a very, very short time later and asks if I'm alright as if I hadn't just watched him quite easily take down four men. I nod dumbly and let him lead me through the maze of unconscious men toward freedom once more. We reach a set of wooden doors and he offers me a smile, telling me that freedom is just beyond those doors. On his way down to the cells the other day he'd only seen two people guarding it from the outside and both of those men are currently on the floor. There is a chance there are guards outside, but he is confident that we will make it out even if there are. 

Locked Away *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now