Anything For Her

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I hold my hands up in surrender and step into the room. He moves past me and shuts the door. The lock clicks a second later. I want so desperately to go to my daughter, to make sure she's okay and to hold her so tightly, but I can't. If I go near her it will simply put her back into Norye's attack range. I don't like being trapped in a small space with him again but I'll put up with it and stand my ground to protect my daughter. I can't let him hurt her anymore. I can't risk her safety because of him.

"Oh if only your dear master Pryen could see you now... His whore and that wretched creature he let you keep. He should have listened to me and shoved you down the stairs once you got knocked up."

I really, really hate this man with every fiber of my being but I can't really react.

"So, what's the story Norye?" I ask evenly. "You've hated me from the beginning, way before I killed your brother and way before I was pregnant. Why? Before you kill me or whatever it is you plan to do to me, tell me why."

"It's nothing personal, well, it wasn't until you killed my brother. I just don't like when women get mouthy and disrespectful. They should stay silent and obedient for their men. Pryen was too easy on you and it looked badly on me for being the one who sold you to him."

"How did it look bad on you when you weren't in control of me? What business was it of yours when I didn't belong to you? You could have simply stayed away if I bothered you that badly."

"No, no. It's not that simple. I broke all my girls properly so they'd be the perfectly obedient products for my buyers. All of them except you. There was a little spark in you that just would. not. die. I wanted to snuff out that little spark." He explains as he slowly moves toward me. "I had finally found the perfect way to break you but when I went to complete the deal to buy that brat off of him, I come back to find my brother dead!" My breath catches in my throat as he roughly grabs my throat.

I meet Norye's deep brown eyes as my air supply slowly starts to run out. I can hear Mariena starting to wake up and the sniffles of her crying. I don't know where Wroen and Obi are, if they're even still in the sprawling estate. I want to fight back but I've never been able to stand up to Norye even when I had my strength. He broke me more than we ever thought.

"Mommy? You're hurting her!"

I hear her running toward us and before I can stop either of them, he shoves her back and she hits the far wall.

"Keep your disgusting hands off of her!"

I swing at him but he catches my fist with ease and wrenches my arm behind my back.

"Don't worry, Leira. After I get rid of you once and for all, I'll make sure she's well taken care of. She's still fresh, I can break her and get a fantastic price off her. You were lucky back in the prison with your little assassin friend, but he's not here to save you now."

"Did you know, it's rather rude to put your hands on a woman?" I hear a smooth voice from across the room. What is Obi doing here? "Rather barbaric, actually."

I'm roughly jerked to Norye's chest and a blade is pressed to my throat. "Move and she dies!"

I look to Obi to realize he'd somehow managed to get in through the window without us noticing.

"You are so overly dramatic, and for what?" He sighs. "What's really going to happen is I am going to kill you because you annoy me and you don't deserve to breathe. Now, Leira, I need you to be a dear and trust me, okay?"

I watch as Obi throws something at us but it's so quick I can barely see the movement and I definitely can't see the weapon. I blink in surprise as the slight metallic blur turns into a large thin needle that sinks into Norye's hand just shy of my face. The dagger leaves my throat as he curses and Obi yells for me to run. I start to run but Norye recovers quicker than expected and I'm jerked backward by my hair. As I start to fall into him, I feel the dagger sink into my back. The door flies inward and I can hear Wroen shouting as I hit the floor. It hurts so bad but I can't focus on that right now. There's a lot of violence going on around me and I need to get to Mariena. I have to protect her. I failed her and let her get hurt again. I crawl across the floor to my daughter and pull her into my arms.

From the safety of the corner of the room, I watch Obi fight with Norye while Wroen tries to skirt around them to get to me. I saw a small fraction of what Obi was capable of in the prison but I can tell now that he's not holding back. He's furious. I watch him feign an attack to the right, then switch to the left and latch onto Norye's throat. As he squeezes, I hear a sickening crack followed by Norye's attempts to speak and breathe but it's just gurgles and wheezes. He lets go, grabs the back of Norye's head and slams his face down into his knee. As Norye hits the floor, Obi stomps his ribs and I look away as Obi pulls a dagger to end it all. I expect Wroen to stop him but he simply moves to block my vision and asks if we're okay. I nod and hesitantly give Mariena to him so I can stand. My legs aren't wanting to cooperate though and I start to fall once I'm standing.

"It's okay, I've got you." I look up at Obi as his arms wrap around me.

"Thank you." I mumble as I use him as a means of support. "Oh, I don't want to alarm you but I have been stabbed."

"And you wait until NOW to tell me? You know, for being Lady of Prison Cell Four, you really are a handful." 

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