Chapter 19

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"Buy me the best pizzas in Korea

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"Buy me the best pizzas in Korea." Rosé said finishing her chocolate smoothie.

"You just drank a chocolate smoothie."

"So what, pizza takes time to make and deliver and I have enough space in my stomach to fit a pizza." She confessed roaming a hand around her tiny stomach like a pregnant woman. How can she fit so much into this stomach after eating 5 chocolate bars 2 ice creams and 1 chocolate smoothie?

"Will you go and order or do I have to mail you a special invitation for that?"

"Yaa yaa, you don't have to do anything, I'm going." I left the room to order.

I went to the storage room to get my phone and order. After I placed the order, I slowly made my way to the lift but I saw a creature coming in my direction. Ayo, is that Taehyung? I gape at the sight again as it came near me. It's Taehyung!

"Wa wa wa wa wait- what are you wearing?"

He examined me for a minute. "Finally, someone who isn't laughing at me!" And hugged me.

"Ayo, will you explain what's up with all this?"

"Long story short, this is my punishment."

I wanted to laugh but I controlled it. Princess Tae-white.

"You look, pretty sweetheart," I said in a teasing tone removing his hairs from his forehead.

"Thanks, Jiminie."

But then someone coughed. "Ahem ahem."

We both looked in the direction of the voice and saw Jisoo standing there with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. Our eyes widened.

"Nice Romance Tae-white and prince Park charming. I wanted to see the kissing scene too but my coffee here is getting cold." She said while taking the coffee cup from embarrassed Taehyung's hand.

It was getting awkward so I tried to leave. "I think I should leave, the delivery guy will be here any second. Byeeeee." Then I ran towards the lift. One of the most embarrassing moments in my life.


We were now sitting in the meeting room waiting for Bang pd to come and join us

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We were now sitting in the meeting room waiting for Bang pd to come and join us.

Taehyung was sitting beside me still wearing the snow-white dress while I looked around to see others. Hobi and Jin were laughing at Jungkook. I looked towards JK who's his hair was done like a shark. Damn Lisayaa. Taehyung turned around and started laughing at him.

I turned towards Yoongi and Jennie as Yoongi's arms were covered with nail paint and Jennie was blowing her freshly manicured nails.

Bang PD arrived by the door and sat on his seat. "I know everything is happening really fast but if we don't know about YG's location, we won't be able to discuss and plan." He lets out a sigh, as turns towards us. "Can you please tell us anything you know?"

"Yeah sure...." I began. "YG was a person who loved perfection. He wanted everything to be on time with no proves and clues left. He was also a spiritual person, use to visit temples to celebrate his success."

Lisa continues "He always celebrated Korean New Year with a grand party wishing he would get more and more success each year."

"We were never invited to the parties tho, though he didn't want to reveal our identities to the guests, technically no one knew we existed," Jennie said rolling her eyes.

"But we use to celebrate all by ourselves. We didn't get any missions that day. We use to wear Hanbok and take pictures on our own then eat rice cake soup." Rosé said smiling at us.

"But one day we barged into his party changing our real appearances. I hacked the cameras and changed the name of the guests." I explained.

"We tried to stay away from YG as much as possible but I overheard his conversations while passing a room," Lisa said while shrugging.

"She heard that he had signed a deal with someone and bought an island for him," Jennie declared.

"The island is situated in the Bahamas," Lisa said.

"But after a lot of researching, we got no islands brought by his name which concludes, someone helped him or it's taken after a fake name." Rosé said.

"And we think he's been hiding there because it was a secret he kept from everyone but thanks to Lisa, it's not a secret to us anymore," I said finishing the story.

"So he celebrates the new year like every year?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, even though he has work and other stuff. He would always celebrate it. It's always been important to him." Rosé said.

"Did he ever mention something about other stuff?" Rm asked.

"No, but he use to talk to someone very often. We were never really close to him. When we turned 11-13 years, he built us an underground base so he just used to visit once in a while." Jennie answered him.

"How was your relationship with him before the downfall?" Jin asked.

"He was a serious man and never really cared about us. The trainers used to send the supplies as they were assigned to be... When he visited, he used to throw sick jokes about things. But we never understood and still laughed at it" I said rolling my eyes.

Bang Pd cleared his throat "Hmmm if we have good planning then we'll have a good time for training and executing... The girls need to be trained again after 2 years."

"So shall we start their training by next week?" Hobi asked.

"Yeah, I think so." He let out a sigh and glanced into his watch. "Looks like I have to leave now, Agent Rm, RJ, and hope, you three will be meeting me in the evening here to discuss the plan. This meeting here is dismissed for now." He said and stood up to leave.

We all waited for him to leave and then we left for our dorms.

Jk's hairstyle-

*********Jk's hairstyle-

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