Chapter 7

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If the school had to decide on the teachers on their own then why did they waste our precious time yesterday! But finally, I didn't have to take more interviews ahh

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If the school had to decide on the teachers on their own then why did they waste our precious time yesterday! But finally, I didn't have to take more interviews ahh... Suddenly, a knock came on the door. "Good afternoon Miss Lisa, we have the other dance teacher here"

"Please come in!"

They both entered the room and I must say the additional dance teacher was hot... Hey, it's not my fault okay. Stupid hormones!

"Miss Lisa, this is Mr. Justin-"

"Bieber?" I blurted out

"Ahh no," Mr. Justin whatever tried to clear. "It's Justin seagull"

"Seagull as if the seagull birds?"

"Umm no?" Justin was unclear as he continued "generation surname maybe?" Seagull really?

"Ok, it's nice to meet you Mr. Justin "Seagull". I'm Lisa, the dance teacher"

"Mona Lisa?" He asked imitating my actions

"Yes, you can say that, I won't mind" dumbass.

The assistant chuckled nervously. Ohh we forgot about her assistance for a minute. "I think it's my cue to leave as the introductions are done already."

"Yes Lora, you may leave," I said glancing at her. As she left I turned towards Justin "So we have a few minutes left for the next class which is grade 4... They'll be coming in a few minutes so let's get to work..."

"What type of work?"

"Ohh I want to see your dancing skills"


"Hey, Taehyung, where you have been?" Hobi hyung asked as I entered our Condo

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"Hey, Taehyung, where you have been?" Hobi hyung asked as I entered our Condo.

I sat beside him on the couch "I was exploring the city so I went into places. In the end, I decided to get myself a book as I didn't have anything to do. So I went to the central Library in Sunnyvale. There I bumped into a short girl who needed the same book as me. So we argued and I bumped into the shelf. By the end, we ended up cleaning up the mess."

"And who got the book?" I gave him a  Isn't it obvious that my hands are empty? Look and he started laughing "Ok-" he continued laughing "I see".

"Soooo, was she pretty?"

"Mhmm" I replied and he started wiggling his eyebrows.

"Calm your hormones we're never going to see each other again"

"Ohh we'll see," he said while bumping his arm to me and I shook my head slowly in disbelief.

"Ohh we'll see," he said while bumping his arm to me and I shook my head slowly in disbelief

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"Dr. Jennie, can you please come to my office for a minute," Dr. Ani asked as I was exiting my office.

"Sure Dr. Ani" I followed her to her office.

"Please take a seat" I smiled and took a seat in front of her.

"Is there any problem Ani?"

"Ohh, no of course not. Actually, we're having some new doctors joining in 2 days and I was thinking that you could accompany me with their training." And I thought she was going to fire me.

"Umm, that would be ok with me but my patients?"

"Your recent patients have been discharged and the regular check-up patients can be adjusted as they visit on weekends"

"Ok looks perfect, Ani"

"Thanks, Jennie for accepting" I gave her a small nod smiling, and then I left.


"Hello, Jisooyaa?"


"Have you reached home?"

"No, I was stuck in the library for some work"

"Can we meet up somewhere?"

"Yaa sure, I'm near your hospital anyway... Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes"

"Ok see yaa" then we hung up. I took off my white coat, swung my handbag, and went into the lift clicking my heels.

The four of us didn't live together. Jisoo was living in a condo by Google, Lisa and Rosé were living together, and I lived in an apartment near my hospital.

To spend time together as a whole, we stayed at each other's houses during the weekends.

As I got out of the lift, I made my way to the exit. Jisoo was already standing there in her beige turtle neck t-shirt, black high-waisted pants, and white sneakers with a backpack on her back and her coat hanging in her arm. Her eyes were glued to her phone with AirPods on. Classic Jisoo.

"Hey," I called and waved towards her.

"Ohh you're here already, I thought you'd take forever to come" she smirked.

"Sarcasm indeed. Let's go now."



"So you're telling me that this all happened a few hours ago." I can't control my laughter as she finished her library tragedy.

"That idiot wasted my precious time and you're laughing at me?!" She angrily took a sip of her Starbucks drink.

"So who got the book at the end?" Still laughing at her.

"Obviously me, duh"

"Proud of you," I said shaking my head slowly while chuckling.

"Ok, so what about your, this thing about the new doctors?"

"Oh yaa the faculty changes their staffs according to the situations and these doctors come here as an exchange as newcomers."

"And you're helping them to settle for the week?"


"Try to be careful. We never know anything can happen after that news about catching yg"

"Yaa unnie don't worry, now let's go for some shopping." I stood up finishing my drink as Jisoo already finished her. We exited Starbucks and walked to the nearest mall.


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