Chapter 28

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"Rm, it was just an accident," I tell Rm holding the broken pieces of my laptop

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"Rm, it was just an accident," I tell Rm holding the broken pieces of my laptop.

He gave me an apologetic smile and sat beside me. "I didn't mean to break it though, it just happened..." I slowly patted his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said and then he looked down at his fidgeting fingers.

"Rm, don't think too much. It was just an accident-"

"Damn, if I was the person to break that thing, I would have been dead by now," V ranted standing in front of us.

"V, not the time." I gave him a look and he sat on the couch rolling his eyes.

"But you had all the hacking and coding datasets on it... I feel so guilty about my stupidity,"

"Hey, calm down. Humans make mistakes and they learn from them. If they stick to the same topic for life, they forget to move on... So, please I forgive you and stop being disheartened," I tell Rm, keeping the laptop pieces on the table.

"Wow, that was deep Jagi," V smirked. This guy has the wrong timing for speaking, isn't it?

I shooked my head and turned to Rm again, "Anyways, ignore him. Just keep that in mind."

"I will but before that promise me, you won't mind me buying you a new laptop," Rm tells giving me a dimpled smile while V gave us a weird look. What's his problem?

I scoffed and then smiled "Okay."

"Who wants freshly baked Jin's handmade cookies!?" Jin yells joining us in the dorm living room with a tray of cookies in his hands, wearing an apron.

"Me!!!" Lisa and Jungkook yelled following behind Jin.

I laugh and shook my head.

Is this what having friends look like?

Is this what having friends look like?

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"Jimin?" I was mentally shaking as my name left her lips.

Ahh, focus Jimin focus. You came here to apologize! Ahh, I shouldn't have kissed her yesterday.

Stupid Jimin. Stupid mind. Stupid heart!

"Hey" I waved with a nervous smile.

"Hey, please come in," she forced a smile.

"Yeah..." I smiled and walked in.

She closed the door and turned to face me. "So..?"

"Oh yeah..." I tried to speak. "I- uhh." I mentally facepalmed myself. "Icameheretotalk."

"You? What?" She asked, confusion written over her face.

"I- Icameheretotalkaboutyesterday."

She raised an eyebrow, smiling slyly, "you what Jimin?"

Jimin, you got no Jams.

"Uhh fuck it..." I blurted out and continued "I came here to talk about Yesterday. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about that fucking kiss. I honestly feel bad how I kissed you without your consent. I came here to apologize for that... And lastly, if you regret it, I'm sorry again, you can ask me to do anything but I don't regret it. At all. Just don't ignore me." I let my heart out.

I looked up to see her reaction but she stood there laughing. What?

She moved forward making her way toward me, "Am I making you nervous?" Well yes... I nod.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Huh? I nod again. Pretty would be a cheap word to describe you, you are far much better than the word 'pretty'.

She continues to ask questions taking steps forward, "Is your heartbeat increasing as I'm taking steps forward?" I nod again.

She took a step closer, I didn't move a single step since then. Her hands were now around my neck. Her beautiful eyes were staring at mine. "Do you like me?" She whispers this time and I slowly wrap my hands around her waist.

I nod and she crashes her lips on mine. Holy mother of Jesus.

Rosie, meet me once and I'm going to kill you! - Lisa

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Rosie, meet me once and I'm going to kill you! - Lisa

I typed this way 2 hours ago and she didn't reply to me?!

Now I'm on my way to her dorm as we haven't seen her since all morning. The other members were worried sick that she didn't come for cookies... Yes, cookies! Can you believe that??

"Yoo Rosie, open the door." I knocked on the door holding a box of cookies in my hand but none replied.

"Ayo Chaeyoung-ah! It's me, Lisa." I knocked again.

I heard her curse then her voice came loud, "Wait a minute I'm on my bed."

"The door's not locked, I can come inside-"

"NO! I am naked ah- wait a minute, let me get dressed."

"Ayo, Park Chaeyoung, I've seen you naked since we were in nappies. Now get your lazy ass out of your bed, I'm coming in."

"NO." she opened the door before I could. Her hairs were a mess and she was slightly sweating.

"Ayo, are you sick?" I touched her forehead checking her temperature.

"Ah- no don't worry, I was sleeping and I forgot to turn the AC on." She says giving me a sly smile.

I nod and raise the box of cookies, "Jin-ssi made cookies for all of us. You weren't there so here are some for you." I passed her the box.

"Ahh, thanks I'll try them." She smiles again.

"Get fresh and please check your Goddamn phone! We had been messaging you all morning!" I said taking my farewell.

"Yeah, I'll " She smiled and then closed the door at the speed of lightning. Weirdo.

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