Chapter 36

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My bladder had the audacity to wake me up at midnight when I was having my best sleep

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My bladder had the audacity to wake me up at midnight when I was having my best sleep. Now my eyes are sleepless!

It was already the 5th day of our training and my limbs were almost swollen.

I closed the washroom door and went climbing up my bed. There's not a single drop of sleep in my eyes.

I turned to watch the others. Jk was fast asleep, Lisa was cuddling with her soft toy and Jisoo was not in her bed? Wae?

I quickly climbed off my bed and left the room. "Jisoo?" I whispered lightly, walking through the hallway.

Panicked swept through my mind. Where Is she? Is she alright?

After walking through each side of the headquarters I walked to the swimming pool area. This place is the last hope.

There was a slight reflection of someone sitting by the edge of the swimming pool. Here she is.

I walked towards her and sat beside her. She raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

She didn't ask any questions and we stayed there in silence. The water in the pool was cold.

The moonlight came passing the glass panels and the water shined through them.

"It's calm to sit here," I speak breaking the silence.

She hums agreeing. I turned towards her and watch her for a moment. She's really hard to figure out.

"Stop staring at me," she mumbles looking at me.

"You're pretty," I admit.

"You're reckless," she chuckles moving her legs in the water making me smile.

"We're clumsy," I said making her face turn.


"The first time we met, we had to arrange a pile of books just because I hit the shelf talking with you." She chuckled at the memory, "The waxing incident was enough to show," We chuckled together.

"Our drunk night made it worse," this time Jisoo added smiling at me.

"There are a lot of things which make us clumsy friends," friends.

"Yeah," she said wandering her hands through the water. "V..."


"Wouldn't you ask, why was I sitting here, alone?" Jisoo asked seeming nervous.

"No, I won't," she glanced at me as I continued, "There might be a reason you're here but I don't want an answer unless you want me to."

"Thanks..." She mumbles smiling and looking to the moon. "You can be a good person sometimes,"

A smirk raised her lips, "here's the sassy-ness of yours,"

"Well, I've always been," she chuckled.

"But I like this side of yours, caring for the girls like a mother and sassy for being yourself." She smiled at my words.

She glanced at me for a moment and I raised my eyebrows, "I noticed that you're actually not being annoying this time,"

"Well, take this as a rare moment, I'll annoy you forever," I whisper to her ears and she laughs.

"Well, take this as a rare moment, I'll annoy you forever," I whisper to her ears and she laughs

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We talked all night about random stuff and laughed at our silly questions.

As for now, V was amused.

"When I had my first periods I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do, how to do and the girls were freaking out too. We were never told about adolescent things and I was 11 at that time. One of our lady trainers helped us and made us learn about the things men and women face while growing up and what they do..."

"Well, 2 years ago... When I joined the Google internship, I did the thing with a guy colleague and it was a one-night stand. No one was drunk."

"You did your first time with someone you don't even like and you don't regret it?" V seemed more amused.

"Well, I wanted to try it, I have never experienced the feeling of love and I think I would never fall for someone, so I just did," I sheepishly smiled.

V took a moment and glanced at me, "Jagi..."

"Hmm," I answered.

"I'm no one to judge your life but don't you dare to think, you're not loved by anyone. Everyone on our team loves you including me... Jimin, Jin hyung, everyone." V says. "You have the girls and every member who loves you, Kim Jisoo,"

I nod smiling, I was smiling brighter than usual at his words. We stared at each other for a while but someone called us, "V, Jisoo!"

We both turned around to see Yuta standing there. "Training starts in 1 hour, get changed!"

We nod and stood up to leave.

Do something Jisoo...

Just do something...

"V..." He hummed and turned around.

I slowly closed the gap between us, making him shocked by my actions, I wrapped my hands around his torso and hugged him. "Thanks for being there with me last night."

He wrapped his hands around my waist and whispered in my hair, "I'll always be there for you, Kim Jisoo,"

And now for some reason, I don't hate Kim Taehyung for being in my life.



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