Chapter 41

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"This is the map," V lays the map on the table, "We'll start from grand Bahama and great Abaco," he marks the islands with a blue marker, "At first, Jisoo and I will break into the Bahama regiment and you both will be in charge of handling the yac...

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"This is the map," V lays the map on the table, "We'll start from grand Bahama and great Abaco," he marks the islands with a blue marker, "At first, Jisoo and I will break into the Bahama regiment and you both will be in charge of handling the yacht," he points at Lisa and Jk who gave him an assuring look. "By the time we get the residential information of both of the islands, we won't be moving to the next."

"So, what will we do by that time?" Jk questions.

"Well, you both can do whatever you want," V shrugs.

"Okay," Lisa smirks. Something is going on inside that head of hers.

"So, let's see the supplies we have," V says folding the map and keeping it aside.

I moved to the deck and pulled out the trunk, Jk helped me to drag it inside. "We have food stock that will help us by the end of 14 days," I moved to the other side which had our weapons, "These are the weapons that will help us for defense," I said pulling out a dagger and rolling it over. V's eyes widen and I chuckled keeping it back.

"Oh..kay, that's good," he shuts the trunk and turns to the yacht, "Let's go in and settle, by the next 2 hours we'll leave."

"Yeah, let's see the yacht, the team is already here with the fuel," Jk speaks pointing at them.

We nod and moved walking inside the glass panels. There was a long L-sized couch with cushions and covers. Beside it, there were seats placed on the other side with a television in the front. We looked up to see sunshine brushing through the glass panel above. It was a true sight of luxury.

Lisa and I walked down to the bottom while the other two stayed up. We walked to the beds placed side by side. There was also a door that led to the restroom. We both stared at each other and grinned laying on the bed.

"Unnie, I can stay here my whole life,"

"Feelings are mutual Lisa, very mutual,"

The boys came down and they smirked mischievously, "there's a bar too!" Jk says sitting on the other side.

V crouched on my bed and smiled. For a moment I thought to kick him out of the bed but my pure soul didn't. That guy got a lot of kicks from me, for today I let him be himself.

Wae? I am a nice person and I know it but V was an exception for my kindness.

Just kidding... I'm not.

"That fucker," I curse

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"That fucker," I curse. "I knew he had changed his nationality along with his name,"

It was already the second day. Thereafter 4 hours of getting into the Bahamas regiment, here we are done hacking the residencies of Grand Bahama and great Abaco.

"We can access to street recordings, you know that," V says turning the laptop.

"Yaa, but that will take forever to find him," I sigh irritatingly, moving my hair back.

"If we don't try, we won't get him, Jagi," He says turning my chair, "Just calm down,"

I watch him for a moment, nodding "2 islands done," I mumbled looking at the computer screen.

"There are more islands, don't stress up, we should try the other parts and divide them between both of us," He says with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, we still have 14 days to figure out," I turn towards him leaving a sigh. "We should tell them to move to the next island,"

He nods and eats a chip from the packet, "But what are they doing?"

We both stare at each other for a moment, nodding there's something suspicious going on. The both of us make our way to the tier.

Our eyes widen at the sight. They were riding a freaking... Speed boat.

"Why did no one tell me that this Yacht has an additional speed boat too?" I muttered looking at them coming towards us.

"I have no idea," V says chuckling at them.

They came splashing water around, "THAT WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC," Lisa announces walking out of the boat.

"Hell yeah," Jk grins parking the boat.

I chuckle at them and hand them the towels hanging by the rail. Before I could go back to the porch someone grabbed my hand and pulled me on the boat. My eyes widen at V.

"Kim Taehyung, I dare you to start that thing," he smirked at my words.

"Dare accepted, Jagi." What the- and by that, the engine of the speed boat howled and we were away from our Yacht.

"Enjoy Unnie!" I heard Lisa shout.

V chuckled at me and I glared at him. "Come on Jagi, I just wanted you to not stress. Let's take a break from work. We need it,"

Rolling my eyes, I sat on the seat slightly leaning toward the water.

The ocean was Jewel blue, the sky was clear but tufty clouds drifted by. I could see dolphins flipping into the air like crackling popcorn. Their bodies flashed in steel-grey and I could almost touch their glee. It was a skin-tingling experience to witness their sea dance.

I could hear V chuckle at me. Smiling at the dolphins, I sat there watching them.

After a while, I closed my eyes leaning against the railing. The sea song of the waves soothed me and drops of water fell over my skin.

It was soothing. And I was glad to get away from the hurly-burly and stresses of life.

I slowly opened my eyes feeling the change in speed of the boat. It was quieter now. I could feel his dark eyes smoldering over me with a smile on his lips. The boat was now halted.

I've had men stare at me from time to time while I was working. At first, I thought they wanted to ask me out, but I realized they were only interested in me for my certain body parts.

But it was different. His stares were different. The way he just stared at me, made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

He's looking at me as if he has known me for ages. Familiarity... The strange feeling is as if he's reading me like a book.

I turned my eyes towards the water, he looked away rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his voice making me look at him completely again. "Weather is nice,"

I almost chuckle at him. I nod standing up and walking towards him. "It is,"

I strut beside him leaning against where he stood as he starts the engine again, making the way back to our yacht.

"Can I drive?" I ask him.

He stared at me for a second and nodded to hold the handles. I grinned and slipped my hands to drive. He waited behind me watching my actions.

He held my hand whenever I did something wrong. We laughed when I almost crashed into our yacht.

"Remind me to never let your drive a speed boat again," V laughs parking the boat in its place.

I chuckled rolling my eyes and giving him a slight punch on his arm.

"Oww," he acted holding his arm as if I shot him a bullet.

"Stop being dramatic,"

"Oww," V mocked.

"Shut up," I chuckled.

We climbed out and went inside. Lisa sat on the couch while Jk helped her pull up her socks. Sweet. The moment they saw us, they yelled "We're Hungry!"


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