Chapter 39

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY V" and the cake was smashed onto his face by Jin

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY V" and the cake was smashed onto his face by Jin.

The others messed with cream over his face and hair. I and the girls were 10 feet apart from being attacked.

Taehyung kicked Jimin and then they both fell, and the other guys jumped on them knocking each other.

"What the heck is happening here?" Rosé mutters.

"I don't have any idea," Jennie mutters taking a sip of her drink.

"They're having WWE finals," Lisa mutters placing her head on my shoulder.

"Let's call Mrs. Kim?" I advise.

The girls nod but before that Eonjun stopped us. "Hey hey hey, don't worry they'll get a nice surprise in a few minutes, just wait," she smirks.

After all the guys were covered with cream and sugar a voice spoke entering the backyard. "Boys!"

We turned around to see a man in his 50s with slightly grey hair walking in. His facial creatures matched with V very much. Mr. Kim.

The guys stopped midway and they stood straight. V gulped and walked to him. "Appa,"

"Happy Birthday Tae... Ugh you look like shit, go get yourself changed," he orders V and turns to the other guys, "You all too."

The guys left following each other silently and Mr. Kim walked toward us and sat at the barbecue table.

Eonjun smiled and hugged him whereas he smiled back and looked at us. "I didn't know that Taehyung has friends other than the members, especially girls," he chuckled making us chuckle too, "Hello, beautiful ladies, I'm Taehyung's father, you all can call me Mr. Kim,"

We introduced ourselves and then Uncle stopped at my name. What did V say to them? Like everyone here knows me.

"Kim Jisoo, ahh you're the one he told us about that day," Mr. Kim mentions and I could feel the girls smirking beside me.

"I hope those are good things," I speak taking a sip.

"Yeah, act-" Mr. Kim got cut off by V.

"Appa, I guess eomma is calling for you," V says.

Uncle raised an eyebrow, "me?" And V nods immediately.

He excuses himself from us and walks in. From the corner of my eyes, I could feel the other guys talking with V's relatives. Or flirting?

"Hey," V brings back my attention.


"Mom's preparing for a bonfire, would you help me with the things?" He asks. I look back at the girls who were now dealing with their guys and turned back to V.

"Yeah sure,"

"I'll get the guitar," Appa says and we all sit around the fire

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"I'll get the guitar," Appa says and we all sit around the fire.

Jisoo sat beside me while Jk sat on the other side of me. It was just us. My parents, the members, and my sister.

"Who's gonna play the guitar?" Eomma asks.

"Can I try?" Rosé asks shyly and Appa gives her the guitar. "Which song?"

"Eyes closed?" Jennie suggested.

"Yeah, eyes closed. You always sing that one." Lisa approves.

Rosé nods and starts tuning the guitar. Jimin and Jk started humming the beats and then they start to sing.

Lisa's head was laid on Jk's shoulder while Yoongi gave his blanket to Jennie. Jimin and Rosé sang together looking at each other.

Jin hyung was already asleep while Namjoon hyung was his pillow. Hobi hyung and Eonjun were making barbeque and stuffing them.

Eomma and appa sat together wrapped around each other with a blanket. I smiled at them and turned to Jisoo.

Jisoo smiled proudly at Rosé and hummed together. Slowly all of us started singing with them.

Songs passed and the guitar slowly passed to Yoongi hyung. The atmosphere was homely.

"Wae? Korean songs now go," Appa said pointing at them.

We chuckled and Yoongi hyung asked for the song, at last, we decided to go for OSTs starting with Yours by Chanyeol.

Yoongi hyung, Rm hyung, and Hobi hyung sang the rap part making it the best way joined by Jennie and Lisa.

After singing for a while I looked back at Jisoo who was now rubbing her hands. I looked down at the blanket around me and called her. "Jagi,"

"Hmm," she glanced at me.

"Take this," I said offering the blanket.

"No, it's ok," she hesitates.

"No, take it," I insist.

"Uh..." She scoots beside me and takes the blanket making a side wrap around my shoulder and the other around hers.

I stared at her stunned by her actions, she chuckled, "What?"

"This?" I said pointing at the blanket around us.

"I just thought it would be better to use this like this, benefits both of us," she smiles.

"I liked the idea," smirking I snaked an arm around her waist pulling her closer. Her eyes widen and look at others trying to ignore what I did. She shifted a little and placed her right hand on my thigh. Damn, it's suddenly hot in there-

We stayed like that for a while until the songs were over. I looked over at Yoongi hyung who stood up taking out his lighter and a cigar. I watched him light the cigar but unexpectedly he threw it crushing it with his foot. He glanced at Jennie who was singing with others and his expression softened. He kept his lighter back in the pocket and walked back to his place.

I smiled at the scene and watched the other guys dancing. Now they were dancing to songs instead of playing guitar. Jin hyung was awake instantly and joined them. EonJun pulled Lisa and they were dancing like a clumsy couple. I laughed at them and peeked at Jisoo pointing at them but she didn't move, I moved a little to see a sleeping Jisoo in my arms. Cute. I smiled and pulled the blanket more closer.

I think it's the first time I saw her sleep in the past 25 days of training. Every time I woke up at night she wouldn't be on her bed or reading a book.

Hobi hyung sat beside me with Rm hyung handling me a barbecue stick.

"She's asleep," he says.

"Yeah," I nod taking a bite of the barbecued chicken.

"You should take her to the room," Rm hyung says and I nod immediately handling Hobi hyung the barbecue stick.

I stood picking her up softly, and then slowly, walking to my room. Suddenly I felt someone following me. I turned back and see the three girls smiling at me like fools.

"What are you three doing here?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"She's asleep right?" Lisa asks smiling at Jisoo.

"Yeah, since a few minutes."

"Good, now go on," Rosé says. I turned back and started walking to my room with a weird expression.

Jennie walked passed and opened the room door for me. We walked in and I placed Jisoo in the bed.

I turned to close the door but Jennie stopped me, "Stay with her... She needs you," she smiled and the three of them walked out.

I stared at them leave and turn to look at sleeping Jisoo. I slowly lay beside her and stare at her face.

I know you're hiding something from me but I'll wait.

I pushed back a loose strand from her face and place a slight kiss on her forehead, placing a hand around her.

I hope you get good sleep, Jagi. Goodnight.


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