Chapter 13

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                   "Strangers from distant lands

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"Strangers from distant lands...friends of old , you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor.Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction.None can escape it.You will unite...or you will fall.Each race is bound to this fate...this one doom.."

Elrond was standing before them, addressing Gandalf, Strider ,Legolas , Y/N and 20 other elves , dwarves and men.Then Elrond looked at Frodo

"Bring forth the ring, Frodo" said Elrond. Frodo stoop up and walked towards the stone and put the ring on the stone then returned to his seat.A red-haired man with a shocked expression on his face spoke up "So it is true!"

"The doom of man!" yelled a red-haired dwarf. The man again spoke up "It is a gift...a gift to the foes of Mordor!Why not use this ring?Long has my father...the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at the blood of our people are your lands kept safe.Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy! Let us use it against him!"

"You can not wield it! None of us can.The one rings answers to Sauron has no other master" Strider said as the men turned to him ,looked at him and said "And what would a Ranger know of this matter?"

Y/N was about to defend Aragorn ,but someone was quicker "This is no mere Ranger.He is Aragorn , son of Arathorn.You owe him your allegiance" it was Legolas. Y/N wasnt surprised by Striders name , well because she already knew everything.

The man looked at him in disbelief and said "This is Isildurs heir?" then Aragorn spoke up "Havo dad , Legolas (Sit down Legolas)" Y/N wasnt liking this man at all. Holy shit Boromirs more annoying in real life Y/N thought. Boromir once again spoke up "Gondor needs no king"

Gandalf out of nowhere spoke up which startled Y/N ,she completely forgot he was there "Aragorn is right...we cannot use it"

"You have only one choice...the ring must be destroyed" said Elrond. Then a red-haired dwarf stood up and yelled "What are we waiting for?!" He rushed forward and brought his axe down on the ring.The axe shattered and Gimli fell backwards staring at the ring shocked.Beside Y/N Frodo suddenly winced and cluctched his forhead as Y/N and Gandalf looked at him in concern , then at each other.

"The ring cannot be destroyed , Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess.The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom...only there can it be unmade.It must be taken into Mordor , and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.One of you must do this" Elrond said.

Silence fell , you could here a pin drop. Then Boromir spoke up again "One does
not simply walk into Mordor" Y/N quickly put her head down trying to hide back a smile. Legolas noticed this and smirked a little "Its black gates are guarded more than just by Orcs.There is evil there that does not sleep and the Great Eye is ever watchful.It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire , ash and dust...the very air you breath is poisonous fume.Not with ten thousand men could you do this.It is folly."

Legolas out of nowhere yelled "Did you not hear what Lord Elrond just said?! The ring must be destroyed." Gimli then yelled "And i suppose you think youre the one to do it?!" "And if we fail , what then!?What happens when Sauron takes back what is his!?" Gimli stood up and started yelling at the elves "I will be dead before i see the ring in the hands of an elf!"

An argument erupted in the room.Even Gandalf was arguing with Boromir while Y/N and Frodo sat down watching everything unfold.

"Never trust an elf!" Gimli yelled Oh just wait Gimli , just wait Y/N thought. Frodo suddenly stood up and yelled "I will take it" but nobody heard him, well expect Y/N. Frodo yelled again "I will take it!" the arguing fell down and everyone turned to Frodo "I will take the ring to Mordor. Though i do not know the way." Silence fell and Frodo looked at Y/N who smiled sadly at him. "I will help you bear this burden , Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear" Gandalf said and stood behind Frodo

Then Y/N rose to her feet , went up to Frodo, grabbed his shoulder and smiled "I've come this far with you and im not leaving you now. I will protect you no matter what" Frodo smiled at her and she went to stand next to Gandalf who gave her a reassuring smile. Aragorn stood up and walked up to Frodo " If by my life or death, I can protect you , i will" then he kneeled before Frodo "you have my sword" Aragorn stepped forward followed by Legolas and Gimli

"And you have my bow" said Legolas to Frodo and Gimli quickly spoke up like it was a competition "And my axe" Legolas went to stand next to Y/N who was standing next to Gandalf. Y/N looked at Legolas and smiled at him , as he looked back at her and also smiled. Boromir looked at everyone then kneeled before Frodo "You carry the fate of us all little one" then he stood up , looked at Lord Elrond and Gandalf and said "If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done" Boromir went to stand next to Aragorn

There was a sudden noise and Sam popped up from behind a bush "Here" Sam yelled "Mr Frodo's not going anywhere without me!" Lord Elrond smiled and said " Indeed , it is hardly possible to separate you two, even when he is summoned to a secret council meeting and you are not" out of nowhere Merry and Pippin jumped up from behind a bush and ran to stand next to Frodo and Sam "Oi! Were coming too! You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Merry yelled "'ll need people of intelligence on this sort of" Pippin said with his arms crossed as Merry beside him commented "Well that rules you out Pip"

Y/N smiled at the two hobbits when Lord Elrond said

"Ten be it. You shall be "Fellowship of the Ring""

"Great, where are we going?" asked Pippin

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