Chapter 20

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        A balrog, a massive creature rises from a chasm , the balrog was about 40 feet tall with mane of flames

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A balrog, a massive creature rises from a chasm , the balrog was about 40 feet tall with mane of flames.In one of his hands was a blade and in the other one a whip. Aragorn lead the fellowship to the top of a dizzying stairway. No way im gonna make it out of here alive or at least in one piece Y/N thought

Gandalf followed the group , leaning heavily on his staff , looking at Aragorn , concerned , as if he knew something bad was about to happen.

"Lead them on Aragorn. The bridge is near." Gandalf said while Aragorn hesitated , but Gandalf just looked at him sternly. "Do as i say, swords are no more use here" Gandalf said

The fellowship raced down the stairway and to their surprise , they couldnt pass unless they jumped to the other side of the bridge, which wouldnt been bad if there wasnt a spanning bottomless pit.

"Great" Y/N muttered exhausted

Legolas easily jumped to the other side , Gandalf after him and now it was Gimlis turn. Aragorn was about to toss Gimli but he yelled

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!"

Gimli jumped and almost fell if Legolas didnt catch him by the beard.

"Not the beard!" Gimli yelled

Just as Legolas put Gimli on the stairway the Balrog smashed through the walls and spread its wings.

Y/N looked at Boromir , who was holding Merry and Pippin , waiting for him to jump but he just smiled at her and said "Ladies first." while chuckling nervously.

Y/N glared at him but she didnt resist. She jumped to the other side of the stairway and was about to fall but Legolas luckily caught her by the waist and pushed her back with Gimli.

It was Boromirs turn and he made it , which was impressive because he was holding two hobbits. Aragorn and Frodo were about to jump and the Balrog was approaching slowly. And just as they were about to jump the stairway started moving backwards, forwards,backwards,forwards.

"Lean forward." Legolas yelled and Aragorn grabbed Frodo by his hand and both of them leaned forward.The stairway started leaning towards the rest of the fellowship and Aragorn and Frodo quickly jumped down and everyone again started running.


The fellowship ran into a hall and there was a thin bridge in the middle , and below it there was a ditch with fire in the end.

"Over the bridge! Fly!" yelled Gandalf, motioning the group to run. They ran over the bridge and made it to the ground. Y/N looked in horror at the sight of her she was about the experience the 'death' of Gandalf , in real life!

"You can not pass!" Gandalf yelled , sword in one hand, staff in the other. "Im a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anon.The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!" yelled Gandalf , again.

Everyone watched as the Balrog put one foot on the bridge, drawing up to its real height, wings spread from wall-to-wall.Gandalf looked like a tiny figure in front of him, balanced precariously on the narrow bridge.

"Go back to the shadow!" yelled Gandalf and the Balrog slashed its sword at him but Gandalf blocked it with his sword.

"You shall not pass!!" Gandalf yelled louder than ever as the Balrog placed the other  foot on the bridge. Gandalf thumped the bridge with his staff , suddenly a blinding white sheet of white flame springs up, the staff shattered and the bridge was slowly breaking right under the Balrogs feet. Everything was happening in slow-mo to Y/N.

The beast fell into oblivion and Gandalf was left on the edge of the broken bridge. As the Balrog was falling down he lashed out his whip and wrapped it around Gandalfs'  ankles.

Gandalf fell down holding onto the bridge with just his fingertips.

"Fly, you fools." Gandalfs said and with that he fell to.

"Gandalf!" Frodo yelled while Boromir was holding him back. Everyone rushed out of the tombs as goblins started coming out attacking them with bows and arrows.


The fellowship tumbled out of the Great Eastern Gate on to a sunlit hillside. Sam, Merry and Pippin slowly fall down onto the ground while sobbing. Boromir is looking at the ground trying to process everything that just happened. Aragorn already started walking , acting as if nothing happened. Legolas was standing with tears in his eyes , but none dared to spill out. Y/N stood there in disbelief, she wasnt upset because she knew Gandalf was still alive , but if she told anyone they would think shes crazy. Frodo was walking ahead of all of them, as if in a daze,crying.Gimli sat on a rock and started letting out sobs at the loss of his old friend.

"Legolas, Y/N get them up" Aragorn said and Y/N slowly made her way to the sobbing hobbits.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir yelled

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs!We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir , Legolas , Y/N , Gimli get them up." Aragorn said

Y/N went to the hobbits and helped them stand up , while hugging them and softly rubbing their backs.

"Frodo? Frodo!" Aragorn yelled and as Y/N looked at Frodo he didnt turn around. He just stood there, his back facing them.

"Frodo?" Y/N asked and he slowly turned around. A numb look of shock on his face.


The fellowship marched on , nobody said a thing since they started going again. Aragorn was leading them into the woods of Lothlorien.


The fellowship ran across a forest floor full of yellow flowers. Above them were roofs of golden leaves and grey trees.

"Stay close young hobbits..they say a sorcerer lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power.All who look upon her , fall under her spell." Gimli said while looking around nervously

Y/N chuckled knowing he was talking about Lady Galadriel.

"And are never seen again! Well here's one dwarf she wont ensare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli continued.

And soon enough the fellowship was surrounded by armed elves. Arrows pointed at their heads.

A handsome blonde elf steps out and says " The dwarf breathes so loud , we could've shot him in the dark."

"Haldir of Lorien, we come here for your help.We need your protection!" Aragorn spoke in elvish.

"Aragorn! These woods are perilous.We should go back!" Gimli complains

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back" the elf said

Then, the elves eyes locked on Frodo "Come she is waiting" he said


Haldir lead the fellowship towards a hill top. The sight in front of them was beautiful, not even words can describe it. There was a beautiful city that gleamed in the low rays of the late afternoon sun, gold, green, and gray. To the East , the Woods of Lorien ran down the pale gleam of the great river, Anduin. Beyond the river, the land appeared flat and empty, until it again rises like a wall.

words : 1198

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