Chapter 14

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Authors note: Hello i forgot to add that in this story they will stay one more month in Rivendell before starting the quest

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Authors note: Hello i forgot to add that in this story they will stay one more month in Rivendell before starting the quest. There are some things i want to add. Im sorry this chapter is really short but im slowly running out of ideas .Thank you for reading!

                  Y/N told Aerin and Ithil about going on a quest , Aerin was mad at her she kept yelling at Y/N and currently was ignoring her , which Y/N thought she was overreacting. Ithil on the other hand took it pretty well. He wasnt mad , well maybe just a little bit, but he made her promise to come back and he promised her he would train her. And that promise he kept , he taught Y/N archery the most and she was getting better every day.

Currently Y/N was at the training ground alone, she left the library not too long ago. As she practiced hitting the target, where she failed miserably. As she was about to let go of her bow there was a voice behind her "Hi" Y/N let go of her bow and it ended up god knows where , as she quickly turned around she saw Legolas.

He was a lot taller than she expected , but handsome for sure. Legolas stood in front Y/N and started talking "Hello i never got to introduce myself, my name is Legolas , whats yours may i ask" "U-uh my names Y/N thank you for asking" Y/N said while Legolas just nodded and kept talking

"I saw you at the meeting" he paused "I-i mean i wasnt staring at you in a creepy way i just saw you sitting there with the hobbit" Y/N smiled while putting her stuff away. "Its alright im sure you didnt mean it in a weird way"

She started walking away when Legolas yelled "Wait!" Y/N turned around and Legolas walked up to her "Do you wanna train sometimes? Aragorn told me youre really good at fighting" he said and Y/N smirked "So Aragorn talks about me, but sure it would be wonderful to train with you." Legolas nodded while smiling  "I really have to go now , but ill look forward to training with you , bye Legolas" Y/N said walking away and she heard Legolas behind her say "Goodbye Y/N"


Y/N was sitting with Ithil in her room playing cards, she had no idea elves had them. Ithil was excellent at this game because he kept beating Y/N "You must be really good at this , or i really suck" Y/N said, Ithil smiled and said in a confident voice "Well what can i say , im really good at everything , call me Mr.Perfect" Ithil and Y/N laughed , she enjoyed his company.

Aerin was still mad about Y/N going to the quest, Y/N knew she probably shouldnt have told them but they were her bestfriends and she trusted them more than anyone.

𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑑 / 𝐿𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑠 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑓 (1) Where stories live. Discover now