Chapter 16

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                  The fellowship made it to the misty mountains safely and non-injured

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                  The fellowship made it to the misty mountains safely and non-injured. They stopped to make camp and then they would continue again tomorrow.

"We must hold to this course west of the misty mountains for forty days.If our luck holds us , the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us.From there , our road turns east to Mordor." Gandalf said


It has been two hours since they stopped. Sam was making lunch , Y/N was sitting next to Gandalf , Legolas was keeping watch , Aragorn and Boromir were giving Merry and Pippin sword lessons and Gimli just casually grumbling about something of Mines of Moria.

"Get away from the blade Pippin..on your toes..good ,very good , i want you to react not think" Boromir told Merry and Pippin as they practiced blocking.

"Should not be too hard" mumbled Pippin

"Move your feet" said Boromir

Merry glanced at Pippin and said "Quite good , Pippin" Pippin  looked at Merry , smiled and said "Thanks"

Gandalf was deep in thought while Y/N was watching Merry and Pippin practice , then Gimli started complaining , again. "If anyone were to ask for my opinion , which i'd note theyre not, i'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf , we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin , Balin ,would give us a royal  welcome"

Gandalf looks at Gimli with a frown on his face and says " No ,Gimli.I would  not take the road to Moria unless i had no other choice."

Y/N would go anywhere just not in the Mines of Moria , especially because she didnt want to see the Balrog.

"My dear Y/N , is something troubling you?" Gandalf asked Y/N

Y/N looked at Gandalf and forced a smile "Huh, yeah im fine"

Boromir thrusts  , catching Pippin. Pippin threw down his sword , kicked and lunged at Boromir , tackling him to the ground. Laughter filled the air. Y/N was laughing but when she looked over to Legolas he was worryingly looking at the sky. Y/N followed his gaze and realized what was coming.

"What is that" asked Sam

"Nothing...its just a wisp of cloud" Gimli grumbled

"Its moving fast....against the wind" Boromir said and you could hear the worry in his voice

"Crebain from Dunland!!" Legolas yelled

"Hide!!" Aragorn yelled and everyone quickly gathered their stuff and hid behind bushes and rocks. Y/N hid behind a bush waiting for the Crebain to fly away. There was a regiment of large crows flying low overhead at great speed , wheeling and circling above.As their shadows pass over the fellowship , a harsh croak is heard and the crows suddenly fly away. Gandalf immediately stammers to his feet

"The spies of Saruman. The passage South is being watched" Gandalf said while looking at Aragorn and turns to the others

"We must take the path to Caradhras!"

A/N: Hello im so so sorry i didnt update for so long i forgot about the story but ill try to update more and more everyday. Thank you for your support and have a good day/night. Love you and remember to drink water!💖

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