That First Day Part 3

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                                  I am just gonna have to leave that there for a bit and I'm so sorry, but there is some stuff that I need to get into first before we see what's gonna happen next...yes, it's time for another flashback ...I'm so sorry.

...That First Day

I didn't notice that the loop had started at first, believe it or not. You'd think that after all that time I'd spent thinking about it, that once it was live and really there... I'd see it for what it was... but to be kinda blunt... I'd never in a million years thought I'd actually get to really, really live in the time loop that I'd wanted so much.

I woke up that morning...well it was actually early afternoon...1pm...and I should have noticed it, but it didn't hit me just yet. It was too quiet for one thing. For some reason my fan wasn't running...I always sleep with a big box fan going to drown out any outside noise most especially the family of birds that had decided to find their way into my attic above my bedroom. They were always scrambling around and making a lot of noise. But nothing when I woke up. Then I just stretched and rubbed my eyes, reached for my glasses and shuffled my way to the bathroom. Here was my next big bathroom was it sparkled and whatnot. Wow! That should have floored me right there and been a dead give away that the magical amazing loop of my dreams had finally arrived.

But for some reason that did not register... I just was not paying attention at all. Then on the way back to my bedroom I became a little suspicious when for the first time I noticed that my living room was clean and sparkling too. I'm not say I lived in a pig pen, but it was... ya know... lived in... stuff outta place, dusty, cat hair on the sofa...things like that. And I stopped dead in my tracks and saw it, this time on the way back from the bathroom. Not on the way to the bathroom like it should have been. And I just kinda look around and think huh? What is going on?

Yeah, I was a complete idiot there for a few minutes, like I said. I never in a million years believed that it would actually really happen.

So, I stopped and looked around...really looked around and it started to hit me. I ran back to the bathroom and just about screamed...then I did scream when I got to my kitchen. Oh man, oh man!! It had really happened!! I'd somehow got my most impossible wish granted. I was in my time loop! I knew it, I just knew it. I didn't know how I got there or why and really...I didn't care at all. I know, I could I be sure I was in the loop? Because this was day one, I'd not looped yet and that would be when I would absolutely know for sure...but I already I just kind smiled and laughed and felt this weight lift off me and a sense of peace settle in and wow, words fail me as how to describe how freaking good that felt!

So I spent a lot of time that day just looking around my house...I leafed through a lot of my books, my DVD collection and marveled at how organized it was and tried to decide what I wanted to read first. Like that was a hard pick! Of course, I was gonna re read Harry know it! And what movie would I watch...Highlander. And what tv show...yeah it's Psych...what else could I pick to start this epicness off, right? So, yeah, I looked around and I went out on my front porch and noticed my neighborhood...who was doing what at what time...ya know?  So I could look again "tomorrow" and really confirm that I was indeed in my loop.

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