RESET Part 10

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     If you had one wish, what would you wish for? An actual real wish granted...let's say you live in a world with magic.... and genies and wishes are pretty commonplace...say that it's a normal fantasy world...swords and kingdoms and villages.   And in this one village there is a tradition of on a person's 30th birthday, a kind and benevolent genie grants wishes...just the one for your entire life...unless you wish to be born again...a do over if you will, with your full memories and knowledge and so in that respect you could have as many wishes as you want.

There would have to be some restrictions you can't wish for someone to fall in love with you... there needs to be free will here and anyways making someone love you would just feel awful after a while I'd imagine, so the genie does none of that ever...

So we have a 30 year old man, it's two days before his birthday and he's got his one and only wish approaching and what does he want to wish for?

There are a lot of possibilities... like unlimited wealth...a castle to live be a famous singer or maybe to have the best sword making skill in all the world. But what does he want? He has heard of others wishes of course and how careful one has to be to make sure there is no misunderstandings and that it's laid out precisely and exactly like the wisher wants it to, "oh I got it wrong and there is the unforeseen consequences that I didn't think about. "

Our man here has had a tough time of it...a horrible, violent and scary father...but an amazing loving mother...a failed marriage, but two lovely and sweet daughters that he loves with all his heart. He's never really found his place in the world...never found his passion as it were... he's struggled to survive and is not happy at all with his life and yet how can he use his wish to fix the situation? Unlimited wealth would go a long way it is true, but how would that work? He's got to be precise so there are not misunderstandings...he's thought about this for literally years and still with only two days to go he is undecided as to the best course of action.  He's written ideas and wishes into several notebooks and still he's at loss of what to actually and for all time wish for?

Here are some options he is considering...

unlimited does not matter what box or bag he places his hand into, there is always and will always be all the money he wants there.

a life do over...different father but that gets into the whole can't make someone fall in love thing and then with a different father, he...our 30 year old to be...would not be the same he is against that

immortal...nothing can kill him or hurt him ever... he can never die and he does not grow old at all he stays his 30 forever with perfect health

that is an option that he likes but then he sees that his children would grow old and die and he would miss them terribly so that's not an option...can't wish for them to have immortality too because the wish has to be just for him

what if there was something like being stuck in the same day over and over...he's aware of it but no one else is and so he would not one would age...he would not need much money at all and he would not have to be concerned with working to survive any more

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