Stranger Danger

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"Mark I need to use the restroom,

If I'm not here in 5 minutes check on me." I put a lot of emphasis Into that sentence, i hope he gets the message. He nodded, and I stood up from my chair patting my now wrinkly shirt. Panic started to flush all over my body, I put on 999 on my phone incase I needed it. I walked in the lady's room and saw the small window that I couldn't possibly fit in. I opened it, hands trembling like crazy to see the guy and 3 others there. "When is she coming we need her right now!" his friend or whatever he is

said. They hadn't noticed me yet so I ducked down just enough to not be spotted. "We are going to get rich from that boyfriend of hers." "Either way she gets kidnapped but we fucking need her now!" They looked to the window where I was at and I immediately sat down acting like a rock. I needed to leave here before anything else happened. "Joe, go back and get her little ass over here before I actually kill her." "Okay." I felt nothing but fear rush through me as I ran to Mark. "We need to get out of here now."

I pulled him to the door where we stood in front of paparazzi. "What's wrong Miss you seem very off right now." "I need you to take me home or ill run for it." I know I sounded harsh, but I was gonna get either killed or kidnapped what do you expect? Right when I closed the car door Joe looked at me dead in the eye. "STEP ON IT NOW!" I yelled at Mark. He did as I said and soon I was back home. "What happened back there?" "Nothing I need Niall

Right now before I have an attack."

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. I had to ring him 5 times before he answered the phone. "Fucking Niall why didn't you pick up your phone?" I half yelled at him. "I'm still in the meeting, why are you so mad?" "Come now! I really need you." I couldn't hold it any longer my knees were weak, I felt so defeated yet nothing has happened. "I'll be right there," he hung up. Mark helped me get up and carried me to the couch. "Stress is horrible for the baby miss, watch some tv." I almost forgot about my little blip I'm such a horrible mom.

A very worried Niall entered out house. He came up to me and hugged me, checking me from head to toe. "Did you get hurt? Is the baby alright? Do you feel sick?" I covered his mouth before I

got another head ache. "Babe something happened today." He listened carefully as i told him the events that occurred. He ended up making phone calls to everyone he possibly could, and to my safety he made me get my own security team. "Love, ill do anything to protect you, and the baby." He kissed me ever so softly. So much for moving to England. "How about we take a nap, I'm knocked out." "I thought you would never ask." We made our way to the bedroom and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up from Niall's loud snores. I rubbed my eyes, very frustrated at him for waking me up. I creeped up on his drawer and placed one of his socks in his mouth. He immediately woke up startled and looked at the sock confused. "What the hell?" He looked at the sock then at me a couple of times before realizing what I did. I started laughing so hard feeling a six pack on its way. "That was for waking me up!" He went up to me and pushed me to the bed with a little roughness. "Don't ever do that again sweet muffin." I glanced at him, did he just really call me that? "Niall I'm sensing that you are hungry." "How did you know?" "Oh I don't know 'sweet muffin'" I winked at him and we headed for the kitchen. Niall's phone started vibrating non-stop but he didn't pick it up. "Answer it or I will its annoying." He was so into his French toast he didn't hear me. "Fine ill answer it."


"Hi this is the George, from the FBI"

"Erm what happened?"

"Who am I speaking to?"


"Oh good, we called to inform you that we might have the criminal, but you have to come and tell us."

"Y-eah sure, when would I have to go?"

"As soon as we get the suspects assembled which will take 4 days."

"Okay, see you then."


Goose bumps started forming on my arms thinking about him. "Who was that?" "The FBI I have to go and see if they actually found him." "I'll take you just in case you need a hero." I smirked at him and grabbed my French toast that now had a bite taken off of it.


4 Days Later

The police station was like any other desks everywhere, white walls, white floors, police scattered everywhere, an then there was me and Niall. "Okay you can come in this room right here," an officer told us, pointing to a door. There was a plastic window dividing up the brown room just like on tv. "Bring in the suspects." One by one each guy came and then I spotted number 4. I stood frozen as he starred at me with a huge smile on his old face. "So do any of these look familiar?" "Number 4, he's the guy." I had to leave before in started making a dramatic scene in front of anyone. "I have to go." I ran out of the station going as far as I could, the wind hitting my body coldly. I stopped my feet almost running into a car. "BELLS," I turned my head seeing Niall running to me with his face violent red. "" He asked. "I came here to make our life better, but clearly I was wrong." "It's okay we got him, I'll protect both of you I promise." He pulled me closing the space that was between us and kissed me passionately. "Twitter is gonna blow up." He smiled, his perfect smile, "As long as its you and me."

We walked hand in hand towards his Range Rover. "Niall!" "Hm?"

"What about the 3 other guys?" He stopped driving in the middle of the street. "What guys?" "There were 3 other guys than him." Fuck my life right now.







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