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3 days after My first date with Niall Jayden gave me a call saying he'd be here in about an hour. I panicked inside as I tried to clean my room and get ready for him to come. Niall had a gig with the band so he would be arriving later. I organized my clothes, kitchen and living room which left me with about 15 minutes to get ready. I wore black v-neck with my stretchable pants and my black Nikes. As if on cue Jayden opened the door with a blank expression. "Uh, hi jay," I tried saying as joyful as possible. "This isn't the time to be happy. How many months is the baby?" "2 months about to be 3 next week." He looked down to my stomach and stood their speechless. "So your going to move to England to solve your problem, and the paparazzi? You want your kid to grow up like that?" Every word he said to me was meaningless to me, I knew he would want to make me change my mind but I'm not. "To tell you the truth I don't care, I love you till death but I don't care what you say. Niall is coming in about two hours so try to act nice." He smirked. "Oh Bells you have no idea." What did he mean by that? Oh gosh I hope this doesn't end like i imagine it to because if it is then I have the ambulance on speed dial. "You can go ahead and take the guest bedroom it's on your right in the hall." He grabbed his small suitcase and headed for the room. I went to the guest room to find him setting his things. This gave me time to notice his nice black scruffy hair, his off white shirt showing off his 'steel' as he calls them, his black pants and white vans. He was tanned like me, but his eyes were a lighter brown then mine. "What are you looking at?" "My ugly duckling." He started chuckling, when we were little I would always call him ugly ducking well because I can. "Okay, cheesy head feed me."


"Promise me!" I told Jayden. "Fine, I promise not to punch nor kill Niall." "Good boy," he scowled at me. Niall would be coming in a couple of minutes so we waited in my room watching cartoons. I felt extremely nervous, expecting the worse to happen. "I think that kid is here." "He has a name and he's 21 too!" As soon as I opened the door Niall pushed me and locked the door. "There's a bunch of paparazzi surrounding your apartment I had to run," he said panting. "So this is Niall." I turned around to see Jayden crossing his arms giving us a frown. "Yes I am, you must be Bells brother hi mate," he stuck out his hand waiting for Jayden to shake his hand but didn't. "Okay, I made dinner, Jayden can you help me set the table please, and Niall help me with the food." They both nodded, I needed to warn Niall about my brother. "Sorry about him, he's just really mad." "I can only imagine." He took out the pasta, and i held the ribs. We came out and I noticed that the table was ready with Jayden sitting. We ate our food silently waiting for someone to start the conversation. "So Niall other than being a big superstar what do you like to do?" "Right now we don't get much free time, but I usually just chill with friends and family, play video games or play football." Jayden didn't respond he just kept asking question after question until it came to a question that made me choke on the ribs. "Do you love her?" Niall coughed and drank his water, choking like me. "Um love?" "Yeah, like would you do anything for her." Niall thought for a bit before answering. "If you put it that way then yes." I was speechless while Jayden smiled like an idiot. "Niall, if you love her then ill try and accept you." They shook hands and just like that they became 'bros'. I can't believe he just said he loved me, love is such a strong word that being passion, but I doubt he felt that. I don't even know if I love him, we barley started going out officially. "Bells you've been quiet the whole time. What's wrong princess?" "I need to go pee!" I yelled, that was always my excuse for when I felt nervous. I closed the door, and started breathing heavily. I stared at myself in the mirror noticing my baggy eyes. The cramps I've been feeling are painful and stressful, then having morning sickness. "Please open the door Bells, your brother just left." "Where did he go?" "He said that he knows a friend here, so we could have alone time." I rolled my eyes, of course my brother would do that. I cleaned myself up and opened the door. He was leaning on the door almost falling on top of me. "There you are, now tell me what's wrong." "Nothing I'm fine." I was headed towards the kitchen when he stopped me. "I know your lying, you're a really bad liar." I thought I had learned to lie, but clearly I didn't. I tried to control where I was looking because when I lie I look everywhere except the person I'm lying too. He nudged my shoulder complying to go on. "You said you loved me." He frowned soon realizing that he did. "Oh right, well I honestly don't know, but your brother was making me a little pressured." I agreed knowing how my brother was very intimidating. "It's getting late, I should go." "No!" I answered rather quickly, he started smirking. "The paps are there and I don't think you would like them surrounding you." "You sure?" "Yeah." I took him to the guest bedroom forgetting that Jayden already had his stuff there. "I'll take the couch then." "Nope, that's not comfortable you'll just have to sleep with me." He winked at me, and walked to my room. I'm pregnant so there's really only little he could try. I came in my room seeing he had took MY spot on the bed. "Excuse me but you sleep on the right side this is my side." I stated matter of factly. "Don't get your panties in a twist," he muttered. "Whatever." He fell asleep right then and I couldn't help but sleep as well. I felt strong arms wrap around me like I was being strangled. Damn did he have a tight grip, I felt so claustrophobic in his arms. Soon though, I started relaxing and actually loved the way he was holding me. It was like he was protecting me in his sleep, and I felt my grin starting to form.







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