Missed You

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I was playing PAC man in the arcade waiting for El to pick me up. She said she had a big surprise waiting for me at her, and Louis place. I heard my phone vibrate.

'Come out'

I grabbed my keys and headed to her car. "This better be good." "Oh trust me you'll love it." I went in her house, looking for a box or something. "Where's my-?" I turned around only to see Cara opening her arms. I ran up to her kissing her cheeks multiple times. "You like your present?" El asked with a smug grin. "Absolutely, wait today's June 11 how could I forget you were coming?"

"Because you're stupid." I hit her in the boob making her wince. "Butthole." They said that we were going shopping at the outlets. "We'll eat first then we can go and shop till we drop." We ended up going to a sushi bar, and getting a lot more sushi than we could eat. The sushi was delicious, I savored each bite taking my time. When we were full we went to El's car blasting up Wale's song, 'Lotus Flower Bomb' and started singing to it. "Time to shop till' we drop girls." Thankfully there was little paparazzi so we had more space. El made us go to every store and buy at least one thing. We were at TopShop in the dressing rooms. "Cara, help me get into this dress!" The blue and white dress was stuck in my head. "Haha loser, stay still," she pulled the dress down my head. "Thanks babe." We all came out of the dressing rooms wearing dresses. El looked amazing in her pastel, floral dress that was tight an reached her knees. Cara as well looked incredible in a leather black/pink dress that was short, and had half shoulder sleeves. I had a blue/white dress that was tight in the top but flowy on the bottom an came above my knees. "Girls we found our dresses for tonight."

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked El. "We're having a couples night at the amusement park." Cara didnt have a date and I felt bad. "Cara doesn't have a date though, maybe next time."

"Oh yes she does, tell her Cara"

"Harry and I um-"

"What? Really? No! I thought you guys hated each others guts"

"We rekindled a spark I guess"

"I'm so happy for you, if he hurts you ill cut his private part"

"Ouch," El and her made a disgusted face at me.



"You'd cut my what?" Harry asked. Being the big mouth, Cara told him what I had said earlier. "Nothing, can we just go?"

"You're violent for a pregnant woman." I punched him in the arm, he didn't even flinch I guess I'm that weak. The amusement park was huge and all you saw was bright lights, roller-coasters, game stands, and food stands. This was heaven to me I ran to a football (soccer) stand to try an knock out all the can. Niall went first and missed all the 3 times. "Bloody hell," he muttered to me. It was my turn, I took off my sandals and aimed for the cans. "Yes!" I made the first set, then the second, and the third. I was doing my happy dance while Niall was frowning. He didn't know that I've been playing it since I was 4 years old. "What can I get you from the top row?" I thought for a bit, deciding to go with the huge rainbow stuffed lollipop that was almost taller than me. "I wouldn't want to be that ball," Niall whispered, I chuckled. "What do you want to do next?" I was hoping to go on the 'Extreme Dream' but he choose a kitty ride. "Why that one?" "You asked me babe, now lets go." The ride could not possibly be big enough for us, but then I saw the moms go in as well. I imagined our baby going on rides like these with laughter, and how tiny he/she would be. The thought of that have me a warm feeling. "C'mon Bells, it's our turn." We squeezed into the biggest seat, the two seater caterpillar. "You want to torture me huh?" He laughed, "I thought you wouldn't enjoy the big kid rides." "I'll choose the next ride monkey loo." The ride played little kids music, and we were laughing while people kept taking photos. "That was scary we almost tipped the ride," I said cracking my butt of. "I know, what's your choice?" I pointed at the roller coaster and his smile dropped. "You sure?" "Positive." We saw Cara and Harry in that line so we went up to them. "Is it safe for you to go?" "Yes, Harry it's not that big." It wasn't, it just had 1 loop hole and the rest was small. We waited about 10 minutes until it was our turn. It was a cart that was fit for four people, perfect. I was placed next to Harry because we were right next to each other and Niall with Cara. I didn't like the placement, I needed Niall to hold onto not Harry. "I can't believe Cara made me do this."

"It's okay I'm here to protect you," I said. "Thank you." The ride started and man was that crazy. I was raising my hands, hair everywhere from how fast it was going. Harry kept on yelling like a girl, and I could hear the laughter from Cara. I loved how my adrenaline was kicking in. We stopped and right away Niall ran to the nearest trash can.

We met up with El, Louis, Liam, Dani, Zayn, and Perrie to eat at a stand. "How about the fried chicken one?" "You have to eat healthy girl, for you're baby." Dani was right the doctor said to try and eat as good as I could to keep me and the baby healthy. "Okay then I'll ask for the regular chicken." They gave me a you-are-so-stupid look and I had to get a salad with no ranch. I hated salads with no dressing of any kind it tasted to dry. "You guys suck, you know that right?" "Don't worry, we know," Perrie said in my ear. I met her last week, and what can I say, we became the best of friends. She was a hyper girl, getting herself into trouble, but no one ever caught her because of how innocent looking she was and I gave her props for that. She was also so nice just like El and Dani, and she had the cutest accent ever. "Perrie lets go on 'Extreme Dream' again," I asked her. "We have to wait until the food settles in our bellys first." Zayn hugged her and kissed her right in front of me. They had some sort of sexual tension that made me extremely awkward. "That will have to be our last ride guys, we have to wake up early tomorrow for rehearsals." I hated when they had rehearsals, that meant that Niall would leave me alone and I would miss him like crazy. Good thing Cara was here to keep me company. "Cara where are you staying?"

"My flat why?"

"Come over tomorrow and we can have the whole day to ourselves?"

"Alright, but after tomorrow Im busy, you should come to my photo shoots"

"I'd love too, but wouldn't I be a bother?"

"Nope actually I think I'd need you"

We came back home. My feet were so soar from all the walking. "Niall can you give me a foot massage?"

"Ugh, fine." He took off my sandals and I quickly snatched my feet away realizing that they were swollen. "Is something wrong with your feet?" "No..." He grabbed my foot and he frowned at me. "It's cuz your pregnant love, there's no shame." "They look like elephant feet!" He laughed, starting to massage my feet.






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