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"Forget everything I've told you" Jennie whispers.

The grand spaces of the hotel room invited the lungs to expand, to absorb the floral aromas and enter the moment.

Rosé grabs Jennie by the shirt and slips her hand in the sleeves. She touches Jennie's skin softly. Eyes stayed on her.

"So this is it?" Rosé whispers, though her glinted eyes make it clear that she is angry.

"He needs me. We need this to work." Jennie gently pushes Rosé's hand and sighs.

A single move sends Rosé into a downward spiral. She blinks rapidly. Tears start forming. And right at the easiest attempt, she'll watch them fall.

"This was a mistake." Jennie signals between them.

She stands up and starts walking to the door. A pleasant smell, a darling aroma of almond cream, greets Rosé as she goes by.

"You know what?" Rosé hears her voice crack.

This is all her fault. She was the one who think it was a good idea to chase after Kim Jennie. She was the one with the utmost stupid crush. She was the one that think they could take it to the next level in Paris.

And she was nothing more than a dirty little secret.

"You are a coward." She continues.

Jennie stops in her way. She turns her face and scowls.

"We are done." Rosé spits out her sentence. Her handshakes in a fit of rage.

Jennie slightly laughs. "Try to get some sleep. YSL doesn't look good on a drag."

She turns off the light. "Good night Rosie."

"Screw you!!"

But Jennie couldn't catch that. She slams the door right before Rosé could finish.

They are done.

And for good this time.

Rosé buries her face in the silk pillow. She let tears freely land on her cheeks than wetting the pillow. She mustn't cry at these hours. She has a YSL fashion show to attend.

Jennie was right. Puffy eyes and sad pouts don't go with anything.


Rosé managed to go through the show the best that she can. She smiled and smiled. She smiled so much that her cheeks ache. She wishes that the smile she wears for others is the one she wears for herself.

Her tummy feels weird. She hasn't eaten that well for today. But not to worry, she could get batshit drunk and blackout at the after-party.

The car stops. Rosé steps out with grace. Flashlight lands on her. French paparazzi calls out her name briskly. She touches her manager's shoulder and they go in along with her team.

Rosé gives a bright smile. Her eyes squint and white teeth show. She tries to be happy, much as a spring flower open.

She walks to the crowd, people cheering her on. All she can think about is her hunger. She would kill for even a bowl of rice.

The party is full of important people Rosé couldn't name all. Among the crowd, Jennie stands apart. She wasn't the prettiest nor does she dress in the brightest colors, but still, Jennie always caught her eyes.

Jennie is busy making friends with international celebrities.

Rosé just wants to drink her thoughts away.

She takes a glass of champagne from the waiter and sips it gracefully. This is the only alcohol they serve. If she drinks enough, she will surely be so drunk that she can go back early.

Fake Smile (Chaennie)Where stories live. Discover now