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Sis is having a time trying to update this Lord... bear with me. Sorry kids.


After everyone was done with Blaine and we got him to sign some papers and I grabbed his schedule, so I would have an excuse to go after him once he left. We said our goodbyes and he started to leave. Once he got in the hallway I walked out to give him the schedule. "You forgot this." I said and Darren turned around.

"I saw you snatch it..." he said chuckling a bit. "I was wondering if you were gonna come out to give it to me or not." He said smirking a bit.

"Oh..." I said my eyes dotting down to the paper. "Ahhh... Well here's the schedule... don't be late." I said and he chuckled.

"If your going to be here I won't be late!" He said and I melted a little, damn, why? Just why do you have to do this to me? GOD! You're just so cute!

"I'm here every day! Well mostly everyday..." I said and smiled.

"On the days you're here I'll be here bright and early!" He joked a bit. "Chris? It is Chris, right?" Darren asked and I nodded. "Well, Chris, I didn't have lunch today, and I'm quite hungry, would you like to come to dinner with me?" The man standing in front of me asked, then added. "Not like a date or anything." He said jokingly and I chuckled with him a bit.

"Why wouldn't it be a date?" I joked a bit back.

"Well you see I have this policy about dating co-workers." He said and I jokingly sighed and rolled my eyes. Honestly kinda depressed about the policy but I get it. "Can I get your number? I'll need to know where u live, so I can come pick you up, I'm not a stalker or anything!"

"Smooth Mr. Criss, smooth." I said smiling and took his phone to put in my number. I took a photo of my face for a contact photo.

"So cute." Darren said smiling and I nodded.

"I know." I smirked a bit. "Your going to love working here! It's so much fun! Some shows are very strict about how they run things, but we love to play around on set it's great!" I changed the subject.

"Yeah it looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to get started!" He said enthusiastically.

"Well you start tomorrow, so you won't have to wait that long!" I said and he started walking down the hallway. I followed.

"I'm glad. Should we take separate cars?" He asked and I shook my head.

"My cars at my house, Lea drove me today." I said and he nodded.

"So how come you don't have a boyfriend? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that! That was rude." He asked as we got to his car.

"No, it's fine! I mean I just haven't really found anyone" I said smiling a bit. I wasn't sad about it. We got in the car and sang songs the whole way there. Darren parked the car at a restaurant that I have never been too before. It was a cute, mom and pop type of pizza place.

"This is my favorite place." Darren said as he locked the car. We went into the restaurant and the lady at the front desk hugged him.

"How are you Darebear?" She asked stepping back and taking a look at him. "Again with the hair Darren, please for the love of god boy, cut it." She said looking at his head. We eventually got to our table and had a really lovely meal.

"Well I feel like getting drunk! How about you?" Darren said and smiled after we got back to his car.

"Yes please! I'm not getting to drunk, one we have work tomorrow, two I just met you and would like to keep your view of me sorta nice?" I said with a question on the end hoping his impression of me was good.

"Why would it make my impression of you not so nice?" He asked smirking a bit.

"Last time I got drunk a couple of my friends and I walked down the street and kissed like 15 strangers..." I said shaking my head and laughing a bit in embarrassment.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I went to a gay bar once and left with a girl." He said shrugging, I was trying so hard not to laugh but I snorted a bit. I quickly covered my mouth and nose. Why did you have to do that? You idiot...? He laughed with me for a minute after that.

When We First Met (CrissColfer)Where stories live. Discover now