◇Volo Drabbles◇

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I promise this isn't an April Fools joke I love you guys to much to do that, anyway here's Volo♡


- He's very affectionate, and will constantly shower you in hugs and kisses

- Mans is tall, and he will use this to his advantage. Whether it be holding something out of reach to make you jump for it, placing things on high shelves, or in a lot more wholesome manner: Rest his head on yours.

- Now it's time for everyone's favorite! 👏Forehead👏kisses👏. He'll wrap an arm around your waist, place a hand on your cheek, and give you a peck on the forehead.

- He likes holding your hand as well, especially if you go traveling with him. Sometimes he'll just randomly grab your hand and give it a squeeze.

- If you don't like PDA well I'm sorry but this man is here for it, He just likes to make you blush.

- Dates are either spent at home or visiting ruins, he enjoys telling you facts about them if you're willing to listen.

- First kiss was likely initiated by him

- Loves cuddling with you, especially if you sit in his lap and let him wrap his arms around your waist. He'll likely pepper you with kisses every time you two cuddle.

- If he has a bad day he'll likely pull you into a hug without warning, and just rest his head in your neck.

- If you two share a bed he is the big spoon, I know I have already stated this, but I feel it needs to be repeated. And if you ask to be big spoon, he will politely decline.

- He loves making you blush, teasing you in a sweet manor, sneaking up behind you and giving you a hug or whispering something sweet to you.

- If you ever kiss him or initiate any affection a light blush will be sprinkled on his face, he's used to making you blush not the opposite!

- Make sure you tell him you love him... he needs it every now and then

⚠️◇Post Game Spoilers◇⚠️

- It's likely that if you two were dating before the events of the Post Game he'll try and convince you to give him the plates, and join him. He's pretty obsessive at this point, and if you were to fail he would most definitely make you come with him.

- When you defeat him he'll leave after you get the azure flute, likely that it would be a while until you see him again. 

- When you do run into him he's likely calmed down, and don't worry he still loves you... although the relationship mending will be off to a rough start.

- Once you two get back together his affection level will be turned up to a 10, if you thought it was bad before... whoo boy buckle up!

- His kisses are deeper and hold much more meaning, he holds you a lot tighter and closer to him. 

- PDA will likely be toned down, especially if you somehow managed to get him back into the village, people will already judge you for bringing him in, he doesn't want to make it any worse for you.

- He is absolutely going to marry you, for some reason you stuck with him so he's going to stick to you... besides you're much better than Arceus.

- His proposal would likely be out in some ruins, maybe ones that you two share fond memories at. He would only stumble over his words a little, if you say yes he'll probably tear up a bit he was genuinely terrified you would say no.

- The wedding would likely be traditional, except you probably wouldn't have many guests. Volo isn't that popular after he tried to erase Hisui. If people are to come it would be for you, which is kind of sad but... it's the truth.

- Kids? Yeah I think he'd be okay with a few of them, as long as you want them. I promise he would love them so much, also he has more people to tell about Hisui's history.

- He'll likely entrust your child/children to keep passing down the legends through your lineage, he may write down a couple of them into books 👀

- He loves you so much... and he's so grateful that even after he tried to steal the plates and destroy Hisui... you helped reform him, let him see that there is something good about this world, that he doesn't need to create a new one because he's happy with you. ♡


Haha wholesome content go brrrrrr

But yeah this isn't an April Fools joke, I wouldn't do that to you guys

Peace out and stay safe fam ~ 💖

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