♡Conflicted Emotions pt. 2♡

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Ayo Volo Simps come get y'all juice

☆ - There's a sketch at the end of what I have Volo looking like in this fic if you're interested

☆ - The conflicted emotions aren't Volo's this time, they're yours congratulations

◇ - Post game Spoilers Religious themes? Kinda... Volo wins, becomes God, y'know your normal Tuesday afternoon. One scene could probably be classified as "spicy" but it's really not

♡ - (Y/N) = Your Name


Morning. It was quiet minus the occasional noise from a few pokemon outside. The Highlands were often chilly especially in the morning but (Y/N) wasn't cold, especially since they were being held so tightly by the wonderful man next to them. Volo was still asleep, his face buried in their neck and arms wrapped tightly around their waist. They smiled at the sight, gently running a hand through his hair. 

They couldn't be happier.

They suddenly felt him shift, his head lifted from where it was, and he took a moment to stare at them, as if he wasn't sure if this was real or not. Then they smiled at him, and he smiled back, leaning towards them and placing a soft kiss on their lips. "Good morning, darling." He whispered, lifting his hand to caress their cheek. (Y/N) placed their own hand over his, intertwining their fingers. "Good morning, Volo."  His eyes were filled with pure adoration as he stared at them for a little longer. He pressed a kiss to their forehead before sitting up and taking them with him, his hands now on their waist. (Y/N) chuckled softly, "I think letting you kiss me must've flicked a switch somewhere to make you more affectionate." Volo let out his own chuckle and shook his head. "Perhaps it has dear, or maybe I just realized how in love with you I am." 

A bright blush graced their cheeks and they turned away from his gaze. Volo pulled them into him for a hug, and kissed the top of their head, "I'll get started on breakfast, you go ahead and get ready, darling." They nodded, and he separated himself from them, opening the tent and giving them one last smile before leaving them to their own business.

They smiled, grabbing their things, and putting on clothes they had discarded for the night in favor of something more comfortable. When they had finished tying their satchel back around their waist they exited the tent themself, being greeted with an appetizing scent. Volo was sat in front of a small pot over a fire, occasionaly giving it a stir. (Y/N) stared at him for a moment, taking the sight in. He had tied his hair back again, after leaving it undone for most of the night. But his apron and hat were still tucked away somewhere, leaving him in the blue outfit they always saw him in. There was something incredibly domestic about the sight, perhaps it because he was cooking for them, because they had seen him in a similar situation before back on the night of the festival. He just ... Looked so calm.

When he noticed them he perked up, giving them another gentle smile. "It's almost ready." They took a seat next to him, staring into the pot, "Wow... It smells amazing." Volo's eye's crinkled as he continued to smile, "Ah, thank you dear, I tried extra hard on today's food." He took a few bowls from out of his bag and scooped some of the pot's contents into it, then handing it to (Y/N). "If this is you trying extra hard then I imagine barely trying is still amazing." Volo gave them a kiss on the cheek in thanks for the compliment. "Go ahead and eat up darling, after this I believe we should head up to the temple." They nodded in response, as Volo filled the rest of the bowls up and let out his pokemon team. 

They smiled at the sight, letting their own team out. 

The walk to the temple wasn't awful, it was very peaceful as they held Volo's hand the whole way up.He seemed a bit nervous though, his hand was a little shaky, but they brushed it off as excitement. When they finally reached the top Volo took the lead, taking a look around their surroundings for a moment before turning back to (Y/N). "The temple lies in ruins now... Columns cracked and broken... like pillars now turned into spears, stabbing into the heavens." It truly was a shame... The temple was once so beautiful, they could still remember the statues of the nobles from before. And now...

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