Post Game! Volo x Reader

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Here fellow Volo simps I've returned to give you some content. 

So I decided to write a sort of redemption one shot for Volo! I've had this in my mind for a little bit, so I think it's about time I start writing it down lol

◇ - Post game Spoilers, and short mention of blood

☆ - Reader is gender neutral


The sound of footsteps and heavy breaths echoed in the trees as a trainer ran. Running from an Alpha pokemon that wouldn't give up for whatever reason. Their legs were tired but they knew they couldn't stop, if they did that very well could mean their death. Their Pokemon were near fainting territory, and they had run low on potions after being in the wilds for a while. They regretted their descion to not stock up before leaving, as that could've been their saving grace. But for now all they could do was hope this pokemon would lose intrest soon, unsure of how long they could keep moving. 

The scent of rain lingered, and the trainer looked towards the sky, it was dark, close to night time, but being mixed with the dark grey clouds it was hard to tell. The trainer ducked into some tall grass, holding a hand over their mouth attempting to quiet their breathing , the Alpha looked around for a moment, looked to the sky, and then began to walk away. A sigh of relief almost escaped the trainer, but they knew it would be too early for a celebration, after all a large scratch on their arm was hardly anything to be relieved about. They stared at it for a moment, and then moved their gaze to the sky sensing the coming storm, and knowing they weren't anywhere close enough to a camp they lifted themselves off the ground and began walking to find any shelter. 

They were suddenly met with a few drops of rain, and then more, till it began pouring and they had to run again. It seemed like forever until they found a cave and ran inside, a breath of relief escaping their lips as they removed their soaked top, but left their undershirt on as they moved farther into the cave. 

The glimmer of light caught their eye as they moved farther in. Was someone else In here? (Y/N) moved their hand near their satchel ready to fight if it was a threat. Their hand slowly moved back towards their side as they noticed a familiar head of blond hair sitting by Togekiss and a fire. 


"...(Y/N)." He said quietly not meeting their gaze, Togekiss perked up and gave a happy chirp seeing their face. " this... is where you've been." They could see his eyes roll but he kept his gaze on the fire, "Of course not, I've been in multiple places I just chose this cave for shelter untill the rain passed." He replied.

He was still in that outfit they had last seen him in, but his hair was down now. They slowly walked closer to him, one hand ready to throw out a pokeball if needed. He didn't move but he shifted his gaze to them, an annoyed look beginning to form. "If you think im going to attack you, then you'd be mistaken." A hint of Venom drenched his voice as he spoke, (Y/N) still took caution, debating on whether it was okay to put their gaurd down or not. " you disappear for months after the... incident... and you're just in a cave?" This question seemed to further his annoyance with them, but I quickly faded to a stoic look as he burned his gaze into the fire. "Incident is that what you're calling it? Doesn't really seem to fit what happened there does it?" 

(Y/N) furrowed their brows "Yeah when you tried to kill me, dunno what else I can really call it without giving everything that happened away." They huffed, they shook their head trying not to fume to much. "As far as I can tell you haven't made any moves to kill me so... what were you doing." 

"Wandering around... contemplating things. I've calmed down." He murmured, "You've been gone for months and all you can say about it is that you calmed down?" Volo shifted his head slightly and (Y/N) got a better look of his face, "You seem angry." The edges of his lips twitched as he forced himself not to smile. (Y/N) sat down, keeping a slight distance from him, "Of course I'm angry, I just ran into the guy who as I mentioned tried to kill me a few months ago." They crossed their arms. Volo let out a short chuckle, and it was their turn to roll their eyes. 

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