♡Conflicted Emotions: Volo x Reader♡

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There's a lot of signs that Volo isn't a good guy, but they can't stop me cause I can't read!

Pspspspsps c'mere Volo simps I got you some food.

◇ - Postgame Volo spoilers kinda, Slight religious themes.

♡ - (Y/N) = Your name

☆ - I only thought of this name after i listned to Undead Alice... don't ask

☆ - By the way this baby is long... I have a problem


(Y/N) stood quietly in the fieldlands, their eyes red and wet from tears that were still falling. They still couldn't believe it... Kamado had banished them... The Diamond and Pearl clans couldn't help them out of fear of war. They were alone... weren't they. They choked back a sob as they stared into the water, looking at their reflection... other than their Pokemon it was the only thing they had.

"Strange events seem to follow you wherever you go, don't they?" 

...they knew that voice... 

"Volo...?" They turned their head, tear filled eyes noticing the blonde merchant. He smiled politely, "Found you at last, (Y/N)! I've been looking all over for you, you know! What would I do if I were to lose one of my favorite customers-" They ran towards him, tears pouring once again as they wrapped their arms around his torso. "They kicked me out, Volo!" They sobbed, it took only a moment before his arms wrapped around them, and he began slowly  rubbing circles on their back. "I know... It's awful, isn't it?" He murmured, they nodded into his chest, letting a small sob escape. "After everything you did for them... this is how they repay you." His hand moved up to their head, beginning to stroke their hair. "No place for you among the Diamond clan or the Pearl Clan..." He heard them sniffle and they slowly lifted their head to face him. He gave them a sad smile, "Don't worry, my dear. There are still corners in Hisui we can stash you away in secret." Their eyes widened slightly, "In fact, I know the perfect hideway. Just leave it to me." He noticed them give him a small smile and they buried their face into his shoulder, "Thank you..." He couldn't stop himself from smiling a little as well, "You're welcome..." 

Volo's grip tightened slightly as he gazed up at the sky, "There's no telling what time it is with the sky as it is. But you've had a long day... perhaps we should rest before we begin our trek." They slowly loosened their grasp on his torso, taking a step back to give them both a little space. They gave him a little nod, and he slowly took their hand in his, leading them gently to a safer spot. 

They weren't sure how long it had been with the sky being the same nauseating shade of red it had been when they were forced out. Volo had led them to a more secluded area where a few docile pokemon would usually run around. Although it seemed like the humans, the Pokemon were just as afraid of what was happening. Volo had sat them down on a fallen tree then set up a tent and started a fire within a few moments.

He shoved his backpack off and took a seat next to them, they stared quietly into the fire, their eyes still red, but now drier than they had been. Volo gave them a sympathetic look, and he slowly took one of their hands in his. "Are you hurt?" He asked quietly, they turned their head towards him and stared for a moment, "Physically, I mean." Already knowing what their response might have been. (Y/N) gave him a curt nod, "I figured you didn't have much time to recover from that battle against Avalugg with all that happened. Would you care to let me take care of them for you?" They thought about it for a moment before giving him another nod. 

(Y/N) shifted off the top layer of their clothing exposing a few poorly wrapped bandages and several wounds that were still healing. Volo stared for a moment, and they shifted their eyes off to the side, "Sometimes I didn't get much time to deal with them properly." Volo's hand traced a long scar along their back, sending a small round of tingles up their spine. "None of it looks infected but still..." His gaze met theirs once again, this time with concern heavily etched on his face. "Why didn't you go to the Medical Corps? As a... well former Galaxy Team member you would've been allowed care there... even then you could've asked for help from nearly anyone." (Y/N) once again stared at the ground, "I know... I just... couldn't bring myself to stop for a moment. I had to take care of the nobles." 

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