Chapter 9 Alley's POV

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"I told you-" Courtney begins.
"Are we going to do French or not?" I say, since we're not going to do anything I planned on doing!
"Um maybe not today Alley. Sorry" Dani says.
Whatever!" I say angrily, I go to the counter and pack up my text books. I feel all four eyes in the room on me. I gently lay down a piece of paper under the dictionary I'm leaving behind. The note says:

je vous aime bien! Pensez-vous comme moi?

If he tries hard enough he can figure it out! I was going to end the class with the note, on the little poster cards I made for him to translate. But we didn't get to that...... I turn around and both of them dart their eyes around the room anxiously, obviously trying to hide the fact that they were looking at me. I walk out the door and slam it behind, I pushed it harder then I meant to. I'm about to unlock my car when I hear Courtney asking him for a place to stay and him saying no!

"Yessss!" I yell.

People begin to stare, whatever they don't know what's going on in my life anyway. I walk to the entrance and see a man get out of the driver's side of a car. The windows are tinted and it's quite a big car, must be someone important.

I hear a door slam shut behind me and there's Courtney, for some reason I feel sorry for her, though I'm not sure why, she's the reason I left and now it's payback time. She walks to the elevator and gets in, a couple minutes later I soother on the ground floor. She walks to her bag picks up the handle and walks out. It's a blue suitcase, a very lean blue. She goes and stands next to the driver and asks for directions to a hotel. The doorman directs both of them the same way. And with that I'm alone. The room is empty. Should I go back to Dani's place? I can tell him I was about to leave and saw Courtney getting in her car. I decide to pucker up and walk to his door. I knock three times gently on the large door, and wait. He opens the door with a sad expression on his face.

"Alley?" He says

There's and awkward moment of silence and before I know it, he asked me something I've waited for my whole life. Well not my whole life but still.

"Do you wanna grab something to eat?"

"I'd love to!" Was that to weird?

With that he leads me away and to his car!


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is day late than I planned but I was busy celebrating my birthday! Yayyyyy!!!! Anyway thanks so much for reading! Comment if you have any suggests and vote if you enjoyed. Thanks again!

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