Chapter 3

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I go down stairs to grab something to eat. I grab an apple and sit at the counter in the kitchen and pick up the newspaper. Maybe I can look for a job in here, I think to myself. I page through until I reach the jobs. There are about 30 different options. Dentist? No, I would have to work with dad. Waiter? No. Bartender? No. No no no, these are all wrong. I continue looking down the lists. I pick up the juicy green apple. I move the apple closer to my mouth but I drop it, it hits the floor with a thud. My heart skips a beat. I can't believe it! My favorite artist, Maria Cabello, is looking for an assistant! I need to get this job! It's only an internship but I could actually have a chance to work with THE Maria Cabello! I need to get an interview! I think excitedly. I read the details. This job is in California. I can't fly all the way there for a job interview. I look back at the text. 'Interviews can be done over Skype.' Yes! I still have a chance!

I fill out all the required information online and wait for the call. I get up from my desk. I walk over to my dresser and pick up the large sketch book. I run my fingers down the spine. I haven't drawn in a long time. I only draw when I need to distract myself. I'm so nervous, I would be so upset if I didn't get the job. I sit on my bed, back pressed against the wall. I flip to a new page and start sketching. I think of what to draw and Daniel and Holly pop into my head. I sketch them each on a page. I don't have a recent picture so I draw from memory. I draw Daniel first. Brown hair, blue eyes that sparkle with a sort of childish mischief, tanned skin and natural pink lips. I finish drawing him, gosh I miss him! Wait did I just say I miss my brother?! I guess I do. I begin sketching Holly and add some colour. Her brown hair falls over her shoulders, her blue eyes sparkle and her lips a soft pink. She wears a light blue dress and holds a white flower. I place my sketch book next to me and lie back, resting my head on the wall. I close my eyes and take in the silence. My phone buzzes on my desk. I jump up and answer. "Hello."
"Hello, Miss White?" A lady says on the other end.
"Yes." I say.
"I am calling about your job application and we would like to organize an interview." She says. I stand with my phone pressed against my ear. They want to interview me!
"Miss White?"
"Uh... Yes"
"Great, I see here it says you live in Manchester, England correct?"
"Ok, we will have someone interview via Skype, is that alright?"
"It's great thank you." I say. She hangs up. I let out a small squeal of excitement and happiness.


Hey guys, just wanted to say I'm sorry it took so long for this chapter to go up. I've been distracted with school. I will write and post as much as I can but please be patient. Thank so much for reading my story! If you have any suggestions please comment them! Remember Courtney's POV is written by me Daniel's POV is written by blossie23 and Alley's POV is written by UnicornRox13 once again thanks again and I hope you enjoyed

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