Chapter 12

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Courtney's POV:

My head is still pounding. I don't know which is more exciting, that I met Louis Tomlinson or got kidnapped by Louis Tomlinson.
"We need to get you out of here." He says looking for another way out.
"Um...come on." He grabs my head. Sparks shoot up my arm and my cheeks begin to burn.
"Ok the boys are watching the Telly. So when I say go we run!" He whispers, he stands close enough for me to feel his breath on my neck. I nod.
"Go!" We dash out the door, slamming it behind us. I run down the hallway with Louis right behind me towards my room.

Once inside I begin to realize what just happened. I stare at him frowning. Suddenly a hand flys in front of my face bringing me back to reality.
"Hellooo? Earth to Courtney? Can you stop staring at me? It's freaking me out."
"Why the name Walter?"
"Well you asked for a name and I panicked." He says scratching his neck.
"Ok. Next question...why me?"
"Why did you take me into your hotel room?"
"Well I didn't want people thinking I murdered you or anything."
"You were planning on murdering me?!" I gasp

"What? No! Of course not! What I mean is I couldn't leave a pretty girl like you in the middle of the hallway unconscious." I look down at my feet while my cheeks feel like they are on fire! I slowly look up to see him smirking at me. I hit him in the chest with my arm and laugh.
"Well I guess thanks." I smile.
"I can't leave a damsel in distress." He says taking a bow. He's still wearing that adorable smile of his.
"What do we do now?" I ask plopping down on the sofa.

"I don't really want to go back to my room and I was um wondering..."
"You can hang out here." I say smiling. He jumps onto the sofa crashing into me. We laugh.
"Wanna play some video games?" He asks turning on the tv. I roll my eyes.
"No?" He asks.
"Hand me the controller."

37 minutes later

"Take that Tomlinson!" I say throwing the controller onto the sofa.
"Aw come on! I swear you're cheating!"
"Nope!" I say popping the p.
"Then why are you so good?!" He complains. I've beaten him 7 times in Halo.
"I've got a brother and all we ever did together was play Halo." I explain walking over to the mini fridge.
"Awesome! Is he here with you?"

"No, he's actually the reason I'm staying in a hotel." Louis raises an eyebrow and gestures his head telling me to continue.
"He won't let me stay with him for unknown reasons so I ended up here." I sit back down next to him with two sodas.
"Well I'm glad you did." He says playfully elbowing my side.
"Me too."


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has been hectic and slowly killing me. And sorry the chapters are so short! Anyway, yay Courtney and Louis are hanging out! BC has over 500 reads! I'm so happy, once again you are all amazing! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote and comment! Byeee

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