In the Base

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Hi guys this is my own fan fiction, so don't get mad if I mess up on something. Saban Brands rightful own the characters i use in this fan fiction. I made the characters Sophie Navarro (Tyler's sister), Ally Griffin (Riley's sister), Nathan Watkins (Shelby's brother), and Annabeth Randall (Chase's sister and my character). In this fan fiction, I am writing I have a character and her name is Annabeth, she is Chase's sister. Sophie, Nate, and Ally don't show up in the story as much as Annabeth does. I made 3 weapons the Ankylo-sword, the Ankylo-bow, and the Dino Crossbow.

Tyler POV

I was on the way to the Dino Museum, when I heard screaming coming from behind me. I turned around and hurried my step turned the noise. When I got there I saw Sledge and Fury with some Vivix with them.

"Well look who it is, the puny red ranger", Fury said as I morphed.

"Its about to get wild", I shouted and charged toward them.

As I swung my sword, Fury blocked it. I know he could tell by the way I looked at him, I was not happy about the last time we fought even though he could not see my face. I just knew he knew I wasn't happy. I still think he has something to do with my dad's disappearance. As soon as I swung again, I was sent flying backwards landing on the ground hard and was demorphed. Next thing, I knew everything went black.

"Tyler,Tyler,Tyl", Shelby said softly trying to get me to wake up.

When my eyes opened, all I could see was Shelby and Chase standing over me.

"Guys, he is awake", I heard Chase yell faintly.

"How long have I been out?", I asked.

"About 3 or 4 hours", Riley responded.

"When we got there, you were out cold on the ground and Sledge and Fury were creeping in to destroy you, but we got there just in the nick of time." Shelby said as I started to stand up.

"Hey, what time is it?", Chase asked.

"3:25, Why", I said looking up from the computer watching the fight I was in about 5 and a half hours ago. It was about 20 minutes long.

"I have to meet my sister, Annabeth at 3:30", Chase yelled running out the door.

Annabeth POV

I checked my phone to see what time it was because Chase promised to meet me in front of the museum at 3:30. It was 3:25 when I check so he had 5 minutes to get there, but he was usually late for eveything. I sat on the bench where I usually sat and waited for Chase. Then I heard a skateboard coming up behind me, so I turned around and saw Chase skating as fast as he could.

"Hey", I yelled as he skidded to a stop.

"I'm not late today" he said.

"You're 5 minutes late", I broke the news to him.

"The day I try to be on time, I am late" he yelled.

"Its ok", I said. "So what are we going to do today?"

"I was thinking of having a picnic in the park", he suggested.

"That sounds good", I said. "Maybe we can see if the others want to come?"

"Sure I can give them a call", he said.

"I will give my friends a call to", I said dailing my friends numbers.

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