Saving Red

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Sophie POV

I was hanging out with my brother and his friends. It has been 2 days since Tyler got out of the hospital. When something went off in Tyler's pocket. He pulled out a futuristic phone type thing.

"Alien bio signs detected in your area", A girl's voice said.

"Thanks", Tyler said. "I am going to take you home. I will be right back."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Come on", Tyler said and we started running.

Chase POV

Tyler went and took Sophie home. When they were out of sight we morphed.

"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we said. "Energize, Unleash the power", We morphed.

"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black", I said.
"Stegosaurus, Power Ranger Blue", Koda said.
"Velociraptor, Power Ranger Green", Riley said.
"Triceratops, Power Ranger Pink", Shelby said.
"Ankylosaurus, Power Ranger Aqua", Annabeth said.
"Pterodactyl, Power Ranger Orange", Sapphire said.
"Styracosaurus, Power Ranger Lime Green", Ami said.
"Apatosaurus, Power Ranger Yellow", Mack said.
"Corythosaurus, Power Ranger White", Devon said.

We found Fury and James standing there. We started fighting. Next thing I knew everyone was on the ground demorphed and hurt.

Tyler POV

I morphed behind the trees near my house. I ran to the others, when I got there they were on the ground hurt.

"Guys", I yelled.

James and Fury looked in my direction. James ran over to Annabeth and grabbed her shirt and put his blaster to her head. Annabeth struggled.

"Help me", Annabeth said struggling to get out of James's grip.

"Its her or you", Fury said.

When Fury said that, I realized that Annabeth was going to die or I was going to get captured. I didn't know what to do. I lookdd at the ground and made a fist.

"Power down", I said.

"Tyler don't do it", Annabeth said crying.

"Take me instead", I said.

James pushed Annabeth to the ground and walked over to me.

"Smart thinking, red ranger", James said as he pinned my arms behind my back.

"No", Annabeth said as we disappeared.

Annabeth POV

I started crying and I just laid on the ground crying harder. I felt someone pat my back. I sat up and saw the team standing there and Chase squatting in front of me. I threw my arms around him and cried more. He picked me up and I just kept my face buried in his chest. He smoothed my hair trying to calm me down. All I now is he pushed me down the passage way to the base. I sat down on the bench that we have in there and pulled out my phone. I looked at the photos I had of me and him.

Tyler POV

James pushed me in a chair and tied my hands behind the chair. Then tied the rope to a pin in the ground. Fury walked in as James walked out.

"Hello red ranger", Fury said walking around the chair I was sitting in.

"What do you want", I said.

"Oh nothing", Fury said grabbing his sword and my dino com.

Annabeth POV

"I have a message from Fury", Kendall said.

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