13 Questions Tag

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So PrincessMuffinMendes tagged me. So the rules are 1.) Answer the 13 questions they ask you. 2.) Then you make up 13 new questions and tag 13 people to answer new questions. So here we go!!

What kind of lotion do you use?
Um I don't really lotion but sometimes I will use Aveevo or however u spell it.

Do you like Shawn Mendes?
Hell yeah. I love him!!!!!!

Favorite thing to drink?
AW Root Beer or Fanta

What genre music do you listen to?
Any genre except rap.

What is your favorite kind of bird?

What is your favorite TV show?
Teen Wolf or Power Rangers

Which is scarier: snakes or spiders?
In my opinion, spiders. I like snakes.

Most embarrassing experience?
Last year in 7 grade, I tried to kick a soccer ball in a skirt and I fell.

Favorite Subject and Why?
Math because I like doing and solving problems. But I like writing but I don't really like ELA.

Would you like a hug?
Yes I would.

Do you enjoy classic rock?
Yes I do.

What are your pets and their names?
I'm going to get a new dog soon but I had pets before.
Cats-Misfit, Dumb and Dumber
Fish-2 Beta fish and a different one- Jet, King, and Christmas

Did you notice I skipped 12 and went up to 14?
Yes I did.

Okay know my questions.

1.What is your favorite sport?
2.Who is your favorite video game character?
3.What are your hobbies?
4.Do you watch WWE? If you do who is your favorite wrestler?
5.Do you have any family memeber in the army or who have been in the army?
6.What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
7.What is your favorite genre of books.
8.What is your favorite candy?
9.Have you seen any Fast and Furious movies?
10.What is your favorite soccer team?
11.Do you play sports? If so what kind?
12.What kind of dance do you like?
13.What is your dream job?

People I tag.
Hav fun!!!

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