First Date

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A/N. I am warning you now this is going to be a short part. Nevermind what I wrote on the last part, I am just going to do 16 rangers.

Annabeth POV

I was in my room waiting for Shelby and the other girls. When I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. We went back to my room. My dress was on my bed.

"This is so pretty", Ami said.

"Thanks", I said.

"Do you want me to curl your hair", Shelby said.

"Yeah", I said sitting at my vanity.

It took Shelby 15 minutes to do my hair. I looked at my watch and it was 6, Tyler would be here in a half an hour. I got changed and threw my shoes on. I haven't worn high heels since my aunt's wedding 3 years ago. I was a little wobbly at first. I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and Tyler was standing there.

"Wow", Tyler said and I giggled.

"You look handsome", I said and took his hand.

He opened the door and helped me in. I put my hand on his because he seemed really tense and nervous. He looked at me and it seemed like a ton(2,000 lbs) was lifted off his shoulders. He hopped in the driver's seat and started the car.

"You ready for this", Tyler said.

"Yeah", I said.

We got to the restaurant. He helped me out and we walked inside. We finished and it was only 7:30.

"Lets go pick out a movie", Tyler said.

"You pick and I will go get some popcorn", I said.

"Okay", Tyler said.

We got back to Tyler's house and went inside.

"I am going to get changed", I said.

"Me too", Tyler said.

I got changed and ran downstairs and hopped on the couch. Tyler came down 5 minutes after I did and threw the movie in. That's when I realized he pick a scary movie.

"Why did you pick a scary movie. I don't like them and you know I don't like them", I whined.

"Thats exactly why I pick it", Tyler said. I hit him when he sat next to me.

Every scary part I inched closer to him. By the end my head was buried in his chest and like 1/2 inch away from him sitting on his lap.

"You okay", Tyler said.

"Yeah", I said.

I looked at my watch and it was 11. I was exhausted.

"Can we go to bed", I said.

"Yeah", Tyler said picking me up.

He placed me on the bed and got in himself.

I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Night", Tyler said.

"Night", I said.

I woke up at 7 and Tyler wasn't there. I got up and walked downstairs. Tyler was in the kitchen.

"Hey", I said scaring him.

"Hey", Tyler said.

"What are you doing", I said sitting at the table.

"Making breakfast", Tyler said.

"Cool", I said.

We ate breakfast and got into some regular clothes and headed to the museum. We went to the cafe and the others were there.

"How was the date", Shelby said.

"Fun til we watched a scary movie", I said.

"Why", Ami said.

"I don't like scary movies", I said.

"She sure doesn't, if the movie was any longer she would have been on my lap", Tyler said. I hit him on thd arm.

"So otherwise it was good", Riley said.

"Yeah", me and Tyler said.

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