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A/N. Barry comes back and James turns good again. The video above is from Miley Cyrus when she was Hannah Montana. The song is called "I Miss You." When I hear this song I think about my grandpa who passed in 2012. I miss him so much. -,_-,*Crying sign*

Annabeth POV

I was eating dinner with Chase and Devon when there was a knock on the door. I got up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Barry standing there.

"Barry", I said hugging him.

"Hey", Barry said.

"What are you doing here", I said.

"I invited him", Chase said.

"Thanks", I said running over to hug my brother.

I went over and locked the door when Barry went to sit with Devon and Chase. I sat between Barry and Chase and finished my dinner. I ran into the living room and plopped down on the couch. I put Netflix on. I typed in Arrow and started watching it.

"What are we watching", Barry said sitting on the love seat.

"Arrow", I said.

"Cool", Barry said.

"Wait are you watching Arrow without me", Chase said.

"Maybe", I shouted back.

He ran into the room and sat next to me on the couch. Devon sat in the recliner. We watch 10 episodes. As we were about to watch the 11th episode I realized Chase and Barry had fallen asleep.

"I am going to get some blackets", Devon said.

I laid Chase and Barry down on the couch and love seat. Devo put the blankets on them and then me and Devon headed to bed.

Shelby POV

It was 7 and Chase, Devon, Annabeth, and Barry walked in. Annabeth and them put their hats and aprons on. I took my break. I walked outside and saw James walking by. I took my dino com out and called Tyler.

"Hey, I am going to follow James", I said.

"Ok, just be careful and try to stay out of sight", Tyler said.

"I will", I said.

I started to follow him and I followed him all the way to an abandoned house. We got inside. He went around a corner and I lost him. I stepped into the hallway and just stood there. Someone put their hand over my mouth. I knew it was James.

"You shouldn't have followed me, pink ranger", James said.

I made a muffled sound.

"I am going to take my hand off but if you say one word you are not going to see tomorrow", James said and took his hand off.

I stayed quiet. He took my dino com and then pushed me in a room and locked the door. There was a bed and a lamp and no windows(pic above). I put my hand in my pocket and relized I had my phone. I pulled it out and saw it was dead.

"There goes that way of escaping", I said to myself.

I heard footsteps coming and threw my phone in my pocket. The door opened and James stood there with a botte of water and some fruit.

"Here's some food", James said and placed it on the table.

"Thanks", I said.

He left and locked the door again. I tried to see if there was another way to escape. None though. I sat on the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable. The door swung opened and James barged in and pushed me so I was laying down on the bed. He pulled my hand up and tied it to the head rest and he did it to my other hand too. The he took off my sneakers and tied my feet to the foot rest.

Power Rangers Dino Charge: A New RangerWhere stories live. Discover now