Kidnapped by my brother's rival!!

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A/N. Sorry guys for not updating for a while. I had to really think for this part and school started too. So I am trying to juggle all of this. I am also trying to update my other books too. I am aso writing another Power Ranger FanFic. Its called Caught in the Middle. Its when Troy has a little sister and she becomes the purple Super Megaforce ranger. But she is also Troy's number one weakness. Ok just go and read it please and thank you. Now time for the part!!!!!!!

Annabeth POV

Me and Shelby were on our monthly fro-yo trip. We were standing in line when someone texted me.

"Hey can you order me-", I said.

"A mint chocolate chip with whip cream, cherries, and M&M's", Shelby said.

"Yep, thanks. I will be right back", I said and walked outside.

I took my phone out and saw that Chase had texted me. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the glass and texted him back.

Me: Yes
Chase: Just wanted to check in.
Me: Chase we have been gone for 20 minutes.
Chase: I know.
Me: I got to go. Shelby is waiting for me.

I put my phone away and this guy walked up to me.

"Excuse me madam but you are coming with me", he said.

"I don't think so", I said. "Shelby", I started yelling and turned and turning around to go back to the store.

The guy grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. He dragged me to what looked like SUV. I heard him open the door and he thrdw me in. I sat in the seat fixing myself.

"She's in", the guy said to the driver.

The driver pressed a button and a strap went over my legs and chest. (A/N. There are two straps. One over her legs and one over her chest.)

"What the heck", I said.

"Hi Annabeth", the driver said. His voice was familiar.

"Shane", I said in shock. "I thought you were in jail."

"I was but then I was pleaded not guilty so I was let go. Now I'm back to get revenge on my your brother for putting me there", Shane said as I struggled.

I felt my pockets and I felt my dino com in my left pocket and my regular phone in my right pocket.

"So why did you kidnap me", I said.

"Like I said I'm getting revenge on your brother for putt ing me in jail", Shane said huffing.

"Should I go give the note to the girl she was with", the guy, who brought me tomthe truck, said.

"Yes", Shane said.

"Don't hurt her", I said and struggled agaisnt the straps.

"We won't he is giving her a note to give to your brother", Shane said.

Shane nodded when the guy whispered something in his ear.

"Oh by the way this is Jacob", Shane said.

"Hi", Jacob said opening the door to where I was.

"Hey", I said.

He grabbed something out of his pocket. He put the cloth in my mouth.

"That should keep you quiet", Shane said.

Shelby POV

I walked out of the shop with mine and Annabeth's fro-yos. I didn't see Annabeth anywhere. A guy walked up to me.

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