Megaforce Rescue

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Troy POV

Me and Annabeth were out on a run. We decided to go to the park and have a little fun.

"Race you to the park", Annabeth said as I caught my breath.

"You won't beat me", I said catching up with her.

She beat me only because I let her. We caught our breaths and got a drink of water. Then we heard faint screaming.

"Lets go", I said as we ran toward the screaming. I saw the monster in front of a warehouse.

"Thats enough monster", I shouted and the monster turned around. I recognized the monster.

"Vrak", I said.

"Well, look who it is, the pathetic red ranger", Vrak said.

"He's not pathetic", Annabeth said.

"Well, who are you", Vrak said jumping and landing in front of Annabeth.

"I am the aqua ranger", Annabeth said taking a few steps back to where I was standing.

"Lets morph", I said and Annabeth nodded.

"Its morphin time, Go, Go, Megaforce", I said. "Super Megamode", I morphed.

"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", Annabeth said. "Energize, Unleash the power", she morphed.

We were fighting for a while. Vrak sent us flying. We both demorphed.

"You okay", I said.

"Yeah", Annabeth said.

"You wont be soon", Vrak said grabbing my arm and lifting me off the ground.

"What do you want", I said struggling to get out of his grip.

"You", Vrak said as rope appeared around me.

Annabeth POV

Vrak had Troy tied up in ropes and then Sledge appeared. I called the others and they said they would be right there.

"Let him go", I yelled at Vrak.

"No", Vrak said.

I got up and Sledge hit me with his sword. I went flying backwards even farther into the warehouse. I saw Troy, Vrak, and Sledge disappear then everything went black.

Chase POV

We ran to the warehouse where Annabeth and Troy were fighting. I took out my dino com and started calling Annabeth.

"Annabeth, are you there", I said. "Hello, Troy, Annabeth can you hear me."

"I have a bad feeling about this", Emma and Shelby said.

We ran to where Kendall traced her energem. We ran in and Annabeth was on the ground. We looked around and saw no sign of Troy. I heard a noise and saw Annabeth's hand curl up and she groaned.

"Annabeth", I said as I ran over and helped her sit up. "You okay", I said making sure my leg wasn't digging into her back.

"Yeah, but Troy isn't", Annabeth said. "This monster named Vrak and Sledge has him", she said as I helped her stand up.

"Vrak is back", Emma said.

"Yeah", Annabeth said.

"Well lets get back to the base and think of an idea to save Troy", I said.

Troy POV

We walked for miles. I have no clue where they are taking me. My hands were tied together and Vrak had the other end of the rope.

"Keep walking", Sledge said and put the trip of his sword on my back when I stopped.

We made it to where they were taking me and Vrak tied his end of the rope to a branch and then Sledge punched me out cold.

Emma POV

The plan was me and Annabeth would go find Troy with some help from someone Annabeth knows. Me and Annabeth meet up with this person near where we located Troy.

"Hey Casey", Annabeth said hugging this brown head boy.

"Hey", he said.

"This is Emma", Annabeth said as another girl walked next to them.

"Hey Lily", Annabeth said.

"Hey", she said.

"So what did you need us for", Casey said.

"We need you to help us find our friend", I said walking up to them.

"Well, lets go", Casey said as we started walking to where Kendall located Troy.

Troy POV

My eyes opened up and I saw Vrak walking toward me.

"Look who's awake", Vrak said.

"Yeah", I said struggling to my feet.

"I don't know where you are going but", Vrak said and pussed me back to the ground. "All I know is you aren't moving."

"My friends will find me", I snapped back.

Annabeth POV

We came to an opening in the trees. I saw Troy sitting there and Vrak looking the other way. Emma snapped a twig and Vrak turned toward our direction.

"Who's there", Vrak said.

Me and Emma came out of hiding. Troy saw us and stood up.

"Guys", Troy said.

"You two won't save your friend or destroy me", Vrak said.

"Well it's not only us", I said and Casey and Lily came out behind from the bushes.

"Its morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", I said. "Energize, Unleash the power", I morphed.

"Its morphin time, Go, Go, Megaforce", Emma said. "Super Megamode", she morphed.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleash", Casey and Lily said and morphed.

We were fighting for a while and Sledge appeared. I started fighting Sledge with Casey. Sledge disappeared after we knock him down.

"Ankylo-Bow", I said. "Final Strike", I said firing arrows destroying Vrak.

"Yes", Emma said. We all demorphed.

"Uh, guys", Troy said pointing to the rope. I ran over and cut the rope with my pocket knife.

"Thanks", Troy said.

"No problem", I said as Emma came over and hugged him. Then he gave me a hug too.

"Annabeth, we have to head back to Ocean Bluff", Casey said. "See you later", he said and him and Lily left.

"Lets get back to the museum", I said. "I bet the others want to see you."

"Hey, chatterbox, you coming", Troy said almost halfway to the trees.

"Hey, I told you when we were little not to call me that", I said catching up with them. When we were little, Chase and Troy would call me chatterbox because I talked a lot.

Tyler POV

We were in the cafe when Annabeth, Troy, amd Emma walked in.

"Hey", I said as Annabeth grabbed her apron and hat.

"You guys want anything to eat", I asked Troy and Emma.

"Yeah", Troy said.

A/N. This fanfic will not only about Power Rangers. I puttung in things I like and everyday things.

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