Missing Rangers

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Annabeth POV

Just found out that Fury has captured my brother and right now all I have of him is his blaster. We got to the base as fast as we could to see what Kendall had to show us. When we got there, I saw a message to us and it was from Fury.

"Hello Rangers", Fury said in a happy expression like he just got a present.

"What do you want, Fury", Tyler said with a mad expression on his face.

"Oh, nothing just that I have someone important to the aqua ranger", Fury said as I stared at the screen.

"Don't you dear hurt him", I said with an angry tone in my voice.

"Oh, I won't as long as I get the Red ranger in an one on one battle", Fury said as I looked at Tyler.

"If I don't accept, what will you do to Chase", Tyler asked as I looked at him like he was crazy. But he winked so I knew he had a plan.

"I won't do anything, Sledge will deal with him", Fury replied in a happy tone. "You have 3 hours to decided or I will take someone else important to you rangers."

The screen went black. We were all silent and I was still processing Fury's last statement he said. "Or I will take someone else important to you rangers", I repeated out loud. What was he talking about.

Riley POV

I told everyone I was going to head up to the museum and start my shift. They told me they were going to join me in a few minutes. When they got up there, we quickly left because Kendall detected alien bio signs attacking.

"That's enough monster", Tyler said.

"Its Morphin time, Dino Charger, Ready", we yelled. "Unleash the power", we also yelled as we morphed.

We all charged at the monster and called on Dino Steel. We hit the monster with some distant attacks and then he got us good with an attack. He sent all of us flying and luckily no one got hurt. Tyler and I went after the monster, who headed toward the woods while Annabeth, Koda, and Shelby dealed with vivix. Once we went into the woods, it got really cold. We were both shivering, then something shot a force field at Tyler and left me standing alone. I thought I heard Tyler yelling to look out, but it was too late. Chains surrounded my body and Fury appeared and grabbed ahold the chains that were wrapped around me. Then, we teleported to an abandoned warehouse and I thought I saw Chase, but everything went black before I find out.

Chase POV

I awoke to see I was still in the abandoned warehouse, but instead of being tied up with chains I was tied to a chair. Then, Fury walked in and saw that I was awake so he started talking about what he talked to the other rangers about, which got me mad so I tried to get out of the ropes. "No luck", I thought to myself. Then, I was unconscious again. Then, I thought I heard someone yell my name while I was unconscious. I awoke to see I was tied to a pole know, but there was someone with me. I quickly realized it was Riley and tried to wake him up.

"Riley, Riley, Ril", I shouted and felt him jump.

"Chase is that you", Riley said.

"Yeah, were are we", I answered him.

"I don't know", Riley said as I heard an evil laugh coming closer.

"You're both awake", Fury said when he walked in.

"Yeah, know let us go", Riley yelled at him.

"Not yet, Green Ranger, I am going to have some with you weak rangers", Fury said.

Tyler POV

When Fury left with Riley, I felt helpless and used my blaster to break the force field that surrounded me. I ran back to where the others were and they all looked at me as if I was forgetting something.

"Where's Riley", Annabeth asked me.

"Fury has him", I said as they all looked away.

"We are 2 rangers down now", Shelby said as Koda nodded. "How are we going to find them?"

"I have no idea", I responded with an angry tone and made a fist with my hand.

"Tyler, its okay, it's not your fault that Fury captured Riley", Annabeth said grabbing my hand and trying to calm me down.

"I know, but I felt helpless as I watch Fury take him away", I said trying to calm myself.

A/N. Will Tyler make Fury pay for capturing his friends? Will they find Chase and Riley or will Fury succeed in his plan to lure Tyler in and destroy him?

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