"Come on in guys!" Jeff yells, standing proudly as the wind blows past him, ruffling his shirt.
As the Juntos tribe enter the challenge area, they are immediately blown away by the structure of this challenge. They all gaze, admirably, as a long maze. Each wooden wall of the maze is a mere four feet tall, but it stretches out a fair distance. The maze it's self is about twenty-metres each size. Located in each of the four corners, are little thatch-roofed huts. The mystery of what is inside each of them, plays on the mind of the final five.
Once inspecting the maze, they then draw there attention to the large tower. At the exit of the maze is a large wooden platform that sores up a rough five metre's high. There is no way of getting up to the platform, which raises the question for their purpose.
Everyone stands inquisitively, but excitedly on their green tribe mat, and awaits the beginning of Jeff's instructions
"Hello..." Jeff smiles. There is a mutter of greetings in reply.
"Erika, I'll take back the immunity necklace" Jeff states, and walks over to her, as she reluctantly allows him to take it from her. He sets it on the podium and faces the group.
"Immunity is back up for grabs" Jeff announces, and everyone smiles ambitiously. "In today's challenge each of you will be blind folded and chucked into a maze. In the maze, there are four Palauan huts, located in the four corners of the maze. Blindfolded, you will have to make your way to the huts. Located inside the huts are a bag of ten puzzle pieces. The puzzle pieces are all wooden planks. Once you have entered every hut, and collected all four bags, you must find you way to the exit of the maze. When you reach the end of the maze, you can remove your blindfold. Located at the exit, is a large platform. To get to the top of the platform you will need to use only five of the wooden planks, or puzzle pieces in this case, and place them on the wooden poles, and use them as ladder rungs to get to the top. First person to the top, wins immunity, the only think that you covet. Where they will be safe at Tribal Council and have a one in four chance of winning, one million dollars." Jeff announces.
Everyone looks blown away by the enormity of the challenge, and the physicality needed for it. They don't call it a 'challenge' for no reason.
"Well, we'll draw for spots, and get right into it" Jeff says, and everyone prepares for an intense battle, to say the least"
Everyone stands as ready as a person in a blindfold can be, and the entrance of the maze.
"Survivors ready... go!" Jeff calls, and immediately everyone takes a different strategy and direction.
Mora and Bennett, going very fast, very soon and turn left as soon as they begin. Kate continues straight, at a very cautious speed. Harrison turns right, also going at a steady speed. Erika already giving up hope in herself, follows Kate, calling out, "Are you still going straight!? Tell me where you are, I'll just follow"
Kate ignores for the moment, she feels bad, but knows she has to win this challenge.
Right off the gate, Mora takes a hit into the stomach as she feels around the maze barriers.
As she is bent of the rail, Bennett who is following in her direction, accidentally touches her backside
"You right!?" she cowes
"Sorry" Bennett shrugs, continuing down the corse.
Bennett and Mora's approach of going fast and incautious is working out for them, as they have covered the most space in the maze and made the most distance. As they finally divide themselves and take down different paths, Mora becomes nearer to a hut, whilst Bennett moves further away from them.
FanfictionBOOK 1 If you love the CBS series of Survivor, your going to love this! Just like the TV series, this will be a Wattpad series Sixteen Americans, marooned in the spectacular island of Palau known for it's beautiful marine life and mesmerising rock i...