Day 9 - Sumo at Sea

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"Alright guys come on in!" Jeff Probst calls.

He stands on a platform in the middle of the ocean. The sea of Palau is beautiful. Everywhere you go the water is literally crystal clear. A tranquil and transparent substance. Like a bath of diamonds surround the tropical island.

The contestants row on a row boat to another wooden platform adjacent to the one Jeff stands on. The Malakal tribe come in first, and pile onto the blue coloured mat. Belau arrive next, on their boat and standing on the red mat.

"Dorothy, voted out at the last Tribal Council" says Jeff as Kate and Leon smile to each other.

"Wasn't she super strong?" Courtney whispers to no one in her Malakal tribe particuarly.

"Today's challenge is Sumo at Sea" Jeff says as there is an excited ruckus belting out from the contestants

"Obviously, we are at the sea, and that there" Jeff points to circular platform in the middle of both the platforms Jeff and the tribes stand on. "Today, each of you will go head to head with another person on the other tribe. You will attempt to knock each other off the platform using padded bag that have two handles on it. Your hands must remain on the two handles on the bag at all time. Malakal, you have two extra members, your sitting out a male and a female, but you cannot sit the same person out in consecutive challenges, so Sean will be playing" Jeff says

"Tom and I will be sitting out Jeff" Lindsay calls out

"Not only are we playing for immunity, but there is a food reward" Jeff lifts a cloth and reveales "steak kebabs! Cooked and ready to eat!" Everybody's mouths water and they all moan in need for that food.

"Ok, Tom and Lindsay jump in the water and swim over to me. First match up is two girls. Will give you a minute to decide match-ups. We are playing first to five" Jeff says preparing himself for the challenge.


"Alright! First up, Kate for Belau, versus Danielle from Malakal" Jeff announces

The girls giggle excitedly at each other, but both very eager to start getting at each other

"Survivors ready... Go"

Kate makes the first hit pushing at Danielle with the bag all the way to the edge of the platform. The platform is only six metres wide, so there isn't a heap of room.

Danielle twists around leaving Kate in a vulnerable position close to the edge. Kate pushes at Danielle but Danielle whacks and attacks Kate, pushing her off the edge and into the water.

"Danielle wins!"

Belau... 0, Malakal... 1

"Next up, Bennett for Belau and Kyle for Malakal" Jeff calls "Go!"

The guys go at each other, like to rams butting horns, they are going no where but pushing hard. Kyle pulls back and Bennett falls to the ground. Immediately Kyle starts to pushing Bennett across the ground. Bennett fights to stay up on the platform, but he is weak on the ground. Kyle is now on the ground, squatting and pushing Bennett with his bag. He continues, until Bennett falls off the platform into the water.

"Kyle wins!"

Belau... 0, Malakal... 2

"Malakal need three more to win. It is first to five wins" Jeff calls "Next up, Ricki for Belau and Courtney for Malakal"

Ricki is staring Courtney dead in the eyes, but Courtney giggles and looks away at her tribe

"Go!" Jeff shouts

Ricki is taking to mercy. Ricki has got height and weight on Courtney, but Courtney is attempting to fight back. Ricki doesn't necessarily push Courtney, she continuously whacks her with force until she is close to the edge. Courtney spins around and clobbers Ricki in the face with her bag. Ricki's head flies back. Ricki is vulnerable and Courtney pushes Ricki to a close edge. But this isn't it for Ricki, blood trickles from her nose and she attacks Courtney, pushing her face first into the water.

"Ricki wins! Blood, sweat and no tears!"

Ricki high-fives her tribe heroically

Belau... 1, Malakal... 2

"Next up, Leon for Belau and Jonathan for Malakal" Jeff announces

Leon and Jonathan approach the battle good-hearted, shaking each others hands with a cheeky smirk.

"And... Go!"

Leon and Jonathan don't go at each other straight away. Instead they walk around in circles assessing each other, until almost synchronised they pounce at each other like animals for prey. Beating each other as if it were for their lives. Leon attacks low, whereas Jonathan attacks high. It seems to work more for Leon, as Jonathan nears the edge. Jonathan notices that attacking low works better, but as he switches Leon takes the opportunity and pushes Jonathan into the ocean

"Leon wins! That ties it up!" Jeff shouts

Belau... 2, Malakal... 2

"Next up, Erika for Belau and Mora for Malakal. Battle between the eldest woman and the youngest woman"

Mora giggles but Erika just greases her off and is ready to fight

"She's feisty Jeff" Mora giggles, Erika just gives her a judgemental face and gets the show on the road

"Go!" Jeff calls

Erika comes raging, literally shouting and bawls Mora over to the ground. Erika comes in raging and trashes Mora off the edge

"Erika wins! Probably the quickest round ever!" Jeff calls as the Belau tribe cheers wildly for Erika

Belau... 3, Malakal ... 2

"Next up, Harrison for Belau and Sean for Malakal" Jeff announces "Go!"

Harrison and Sean go at each other, but not hard. Sean pushes but Harrison runs and dodges. Harrison dodges Sean's biggest attempt yet as he is close to the edge. Harrison seizes the opportunity and takes Sean off the edge.

"Harrison wins!"

Belau... 4, Malakal ... 2

"One more win for Belau and they win the challenge" Jeff announces

Belau bounce nervously and excited.

"Everyone has competed, so we will start from the start, so Kate for Belau and Danielle for Malakal... your up!"

Danielle and Kate really focus. Kate knows she has to win this


Jeff calls and Kate ducks low and runs with bag in front of her face right into Danielle's gut. Danielle reacts, but pushes back at Kate. Kate is close to the edge, but she falls to the ground and starts whacking the back at Danielle's feet. Surely enough it works, and Danielle trips. Kate gives one big knock and Danielle flies into the water,

"Belau win immunity!" Jeff shouts over the screaming tribe of Belau. The excitement cannot be described. Kate dives in and starts splashing water excitedly!


"Belau, the first win! Congratulations, you guys can take the meat and head back to tribe, no Tribal Council for you" Jeff says very optimistic

The Belau tribe cheer as they begin their walk back

"Malakal, I got nothing. See you at Tribal Council tonight, where one of the eight of you, will be going home" Jeff says

The sun is at it's highest, whilst the Malakal tribes confidence is at it's lowest.

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