Chapter 8: The Workshop Battle

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(Now I know we just finished the Floor of Tests but you see, I am way too lazy to write what happened in between the two seasons.)

I had arrived on the 29th Floor, still holding the box that Yuri had given me, I still didn't feel ready to open it so I just kept it slung over my back.

I still had the blade 'He' gave me the Evolving Blade from Ashul Edwaru on the 25th Floor, a sword from the same man that made the first S+ Rank Weapon known as The White Oar wielded by Aries Hon. I don't know much about the blade only it was a failure as it wouldn't 'Evolve' Edwaru was... interesting, he didn't speak much at all only that he had a weapon for me, and he mumbled something that I could barely hear "Sword for ___ ____ ____"

I had heard of a FUG Slayer Nominee that was going to participate in the Workshop Battle, naturally, I wanted to go there as well since there were supposed to be some good rewards and I also heard some of the regulars back from the Floor of Tests were gonna be there, including people like Endorsi, Anaak, Shibisu, Hatz and supposedly Khun was meant to be going but he died at the Hand of Arlene at the hands of Jyu Viole Grace the FUG Slayer Nominee.

Shibisu and his team were pretty pissed about this and planned to kill Viole at the Workshop Battle.

But due to a holdup on the 29th Floor I was unable to make it to the 30th in time for the battle, so here I am spectating frustrated out of my mind that I don't get to fight any of these strong people.

There was something suspicious though, Viole felt... familiar.

His aura of shinsu was really familiar, he felt like an Irregular...

It was the final game, Team Viole vs Team MadDog.

Varagrav(Not sure if thats how you spell it) MadDog was apparently the strongest E-Rank Regular and he was against a Slayer Nominee.

Suddenly a voice announced something in the middle of the match.

"Team MadDog has forfeited, Team Viole has won but due to unforeseen events Jue Viole Grace, Novick and Khun Ran have left their team so they will be replaced with Varagrav and Mei from Team MadDog!"

This seemed to have confused a lot of people.

This confused me as well, why would a Slayer Nominee leave FUG.

I stood around for a bit waiting until I saw somethig, a Ranker at the tail of the Archimedes.

Their was something in the tail, something dangerous.

I realised it was going to go into where Viole was, now I had no connection to Viole but I felt something familiar where he was, they were all familiar.

I grabbed the gift Yuri gave to me and started floating up to the Ranker.

"So whats your deal?" I asked as I arrived next to him.

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

"What does a Regular like you want?" He raised his hands towards me "Leave before I kill you."

"I just wanna know what you're doing here." I stated, I slowly started unwrapping Yuri's gift hoping it was what I thought it was.

I opened the box and saw a long black katana with a red gem in the guard with a note reading.

"A Sword personally made for me but I think you could have it, its named after me and my mother 'The Black Snakehead'

I picked up the katana and put the note in my pocket and stared at the ranker.

"So... why are you here?" I asked putting Black Snakehead in a sheath on my back.

"If you really must know... I am a FUG Ranker sent here to pour this melting solution into there where Viole and kill him and his teammates." The Ranker said as he gestured to the bowl on the tail "All I have to do is wait for the signal."

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