Chapter 7: The Trial at The Minstery

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Athena's p.o.v.

Its been a week since Harry and I's 15 birthday. Today is our trial from our dementor attack that happened. Harry and I were dressed in our fancy dress robes along with our families and our friends were going to be in the viewing section. Mum and dad said lets go everyone. The kids aside from those of age grabbed ahold of the adults hands and we all apperated. We headed towards the lifts. We came up to a security Guard wizard he asked for our wands and asked why we were here.

Dad said we are here for the trials for Heirs Black and Potter. The guards handed our wands back and gave us all vistor passes. Madame Bones came up to us and said I'll escort these guests to the courtroom. Madame Bones said follow me. We followed Madame Bones as a paper plane flew into the lift she caught it and shook her head and said thank God the vision came to you when it did.

We all agreed with her. We stood in the lift and waited for our stop. We got off the lift and went to the courtroom and saw professor Dumbledore, Uncle Severus, Willow holding uncle Severus' hand, Professor Mcgonagall and The Diggory family in the stands. We smiled at them and sat in the chairs in the middle of the room. Amelia walked to her seat in the seats behind minister Fudge.

Minister Fudge said shall we begin the trial of Harry James Potter and Athena Andromeda Ariana Lily Black. Amelia said to start this ridiculous trial these are memories of Harry and Athena of their outing I have made sure they haven't been tampered with or changed. She handed them to Kingsley. He double checked for the audience then dumped them in the Pensive and tapped it and caused the images to play to the audience. They played the whole attack.

Professor Dumbledore said thank you Madame Bones you may take your seat. Professor Dumbledore said you seen these memories of this young couple's intimate moments to prove that they were out in muggle London and got attacked by the most foul beings possible. If you wish to charge these two young ones for defending themselves and muggles please raise your wand. Delores raised her hand and the minister nudged her. All in favor for clearing these two young ones of all charges raise your wand everyone raised their wands.

The vote is unanimous Harry James Potter and Athena Andromeda Ariana Lily Black are cleared of all charges and returning to Hogwarts on September 1st. Everyone clapped and Professor Dumbledore said this concludes the trial of Harry James Potter and Athena Andromeda Ariana Lily Black on August 12th 1995. Everyone got up and left aside from my family. Snowbell padded Grandpa Albus's hand telling him she wanted him to pet her. He smiled and bent down to her level.

She licked his face and we all chuckled I said Knock it off Snowbell please she got off him and sat down. I helped Albus up and hugged him and said thank you Headmaster. Albus said your welcome my dear girl let's go home. We all left the office and I  saw Lucius sulking in the hallway. I stood up straighter and walked by him with grace and power wind was blowing my brown and blonde ombre hair lightly I felt all the guys eyes on me and looked at the smirks on their face.

I nodded my head to the left where Lucius and dumb Fudge were and Harry smiled and said you my love look stunning. I  said thank you darling. Harry had his arm out and you put your arm through his and  kissed his cheek.  We got to the lift and took it back upstairs we got to the main floor.


Sorry it's taken so long and sorry it's so short I have extremely busy and stressed out these last months due to some personal family stuff going on I'm hoping to update my other two stories soon I'm soo sorry it's taken so long. I appreciate you all sticking by me and being patient I hope you all are staying safe  and  spending time with your loved ones and friends and I will try and set a schedule and stock to it I love you guys so much. ❤ 

Here is a  cute picture of Snowbell in case you guys don't remeber what she looks like

Lots of love Amae1995 ❤

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