Chapter 12:The sleep over and The Explanation

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Minerva said are those the founders and Merlin. Godric said yes it us how may help you guys. Severus stepped up and said My niece Athena will be in her owl year this year. She is a descendant of Merlin, Slytherin and Ravenclaw and Albus has informed us that she will be getting the rest of powers this year. Merlin said Athena is your niece Severus.

Severus said yes, my twin sister Marissa married her uncle Regulus Black who is the brother of Sirius Black and Emerald Black Lupin. Severus said I just want to know how I can help her through this year. With the current dark lord brought back by dark magic last year she is in grave danger. Salazar said you're a slytherin right Severus.

Severus said yes sir I am head of the house now. Merlin asked Severus what are you hoping to get out of this seeing as myself was a slytherin when I was in school. Severus said just to keep my family who have forgiven me for all my past mistakes to stay alive and to see my nieces and nephews grow up in a world where they don't need to worry about a homicidal maniac trying to kill them. Merlin said Albus do the spell. Albus said, "Are you sure?" Merlin and the founders said yes Albus it's time.

Albus said a spell and the founders and Merlin appeared in front of Severus, Minerva, Willow and Albus. Albus said welcome to the 1990s. Albus said Minerva please take Lord Gryffindor and Lady Ravenclaw up to their common rooms; they will know where to go when they get there. Albus then said Severus please take Lord Slytherin, Merlin and Lady Hufflepuff to the common rooms they will know where to go from there we will have a meeting with Athena and her family and friends over the weekend at Headquarters have a good day I have some last things to do before the students arrive.

Athena's P.O.V.

We just got home from Italy. I looked at my parents and Harry's parents and asked if we could have our friends sleep over tonight please. Mum said okay but you have to get some sleep. Albus sent an owl and wrote that we are going to have five very important people over tomorrow. I asked who these people were.

Dad said Albus didn't say who they were. We said okay we are gonna get our rooms set up love you all they all said love you two as well. We ran to our rooms. I pulled blankets and pillows onto the floor and waved my hands and made a makeshift bed for me, Susan, Mione, Luna, Hannah, Ginny, Pansy, Amber. I went to my desk and grabbed parchment to send the letters to the others.

Aside from Pansy I sent a portunus to Pansy and said we are having the others over for a sleepover. Astoria is more than welcome to come as well. Pansy's Portunus appeared and said okay we will be there shortly just waiting for Astoria to get her things together then we will floo home. I called Midnight she came in I tied the letters and asked can you take these to Susan,Mione,Luna, Hannah, Ginny and Amber please she hooted why do you even need to ask mistress. I kissed her head and said be careful love.

She hooted back of course Ana and took off. Harry appeared and said hello Mi amour I said hello Ma Cherie and walked up to him and kissed his cheek and pulled him over to my bed and laid on it cuddled up and talking. I said Astoria is tagging along for tonight seeing as Pansy and her are friends she's the complete opposite of her sister Daphne she's a younger version of Mione. Harry said okay, Love. A few minutes later Pansy and Astoria were knocking on my door and I said come on in you two.

Pansy walked in Astoria slowly followed her. I got up pulling Harry up with me and said Hey Astoria how are you. She smiled and said I'm good except for the fact that Daph's "friends" have been over every single damn day and they are not happy that I'm not joining their little gang and I'm Hanging out with Drake, Pansy, Vincent and Gregory. Daphne is only hanging out with them cause she's terrified they are gonna do something to her. I said Astoria this is my boyfriend Harry.

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