Chapter 14: The Departure to Hogwarts

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RECAP: Helga said okay I wont give you a hard time this time Albus but you better think before doing anything next time. Albus said I promise Helga. I chuckled and said we are all set for tomorrow. Mum said alright go you guys are excused. We all dispersed to do something till we had to go to sleep. We all went to bed a few hours later.

Athena's P.O.V.
I was the first one up and went downstairs to find mimsy cooking breakfast and Tilly popped in and said hello miss Athena what can Tilly get you. I said just a tea until breakfast is done please Tilly. Tilly smiled and popped away then appeared 9back in front of me with my tea. She pulled my hand and brought me to the table and I sat down and got my sugar and milk and put it in my tea. I  said Thank you Tilly can you go get Harry up please.

Tilly popped away and ten minutes later Tilly popped in and said Master Harry  is awake and will be down in a few minutes is there anything else that Tilly can get miss Athena. I said no thank you Tilly you can go back to what you were doing before. Tilly said breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes. I said okay. Harry came in and Tilly popped in with a tea for him.

He put his sugar and milk in his cup then leaned over and kissed me and said good morning my love. I said good morning  love. We talked about being prefects. 20 minutes later Mimsy popped in and Master and Mistress breakfast is ready come eat before everyone else comes down. We stood up and went to the table and finished eating just before the others came down.

We excused ourselves from the table to go get dressed. I changed into a pink ruffled crop top with a teal colored pleated skirt paired with gold and pink wedges I had also grabbed my purple leather jacket. I changed my hair to a chestnut color with a purple bow holding my bangs in a halo around my head. I  was wearing my heart necklace, blue dangle earrings and  a pink and blue friendship bracelet that Fluer had sent with Bill to give to me. My makeup was natural.

Harry knocked on my door and said well don't you look breathtaking love.  I said well thank you babe. He grabbed my trunk and said let's go everyone else has finished eating and getting ready to go we will be leaving in 25 minutes. We got to the bottom of the stairs and mum and aunt Lily said you two look stunning ready to cause havoc for Umbridge. We said of course and you know the whole school will back us up aside from zabini and his followers.

Percy came over and said you look great Ana. I said thanks perce I'm going to miss you at Hogwarts this year. Percy said don't worry on my days off I will come see ìyou at the school if Albus doesn't mind. I said I will ask him when we get to school and owl you and let you know Perce. Percy said okay I gotta go go first day at auror training and I  shouldn't be late he gave me and Harry a hug along with the adults and asked aunt Molly and I to give hugs to everyone else. 

We said of course Percy I also said I expect to get a letter from you tonight telling me how you're first day went. I love you big brother. He said I love you too lil sis. He said Ministry of Magic London and flooed off to work. 5 minutes later everyone else was done and waiting to leave.

Sirius' P.O.V

Harry and Athena were sitting on the couch whispering to each other when all of a sudden, Athena jumped up and ran to one of the offices and said be right back. Twenty minutes later she came back and said I sent midnight with a letter she will meet us at the school. I said I didn't ask anything. She said you're my dad I know when you're thinking of something. Harry asked Athena who did you send a letter to.

She said it was to Viktor asking him if he is moving to London. Aunt Lily asked why did you write Viktor. Ana said the reason being is simple I was gonna ask him to come to the school and train with us and to let him know thay we were leaving for Hogwarts I also asked him to join the order like Dumbledore asked me to.  Christine asked when did he ask you to do that. I said the other day I have been writing to him since second year when I met him on vacation with Mione in France over the summer he was there to play the Harpies and I kind of snuck off on my own and ran into him.

Mione came down and she said wait you snuck off on you're own when we were in France and didn't bring me with you. Ana said I wanted to let you have some time with you're mum and dad and I had been to France beforehand to visit the Wizarding world there. Harry said she literally ran into Viktor Krum and had been writing to him since. Harry then remembered how happy she was to see Viktor I just thought she was another fan girl about him.  Ron was downstairs in the living room now and he said no wonder you weren't going crazy over him and simply waved to him when we saw him at the Quidditch finals.

Ana's P.O.V

smiled and said  yep oh and Percy said bye and loves us all and he will see us soon.  Aunt Molly said he didn't want to be late for his first day at auror training. Mum and Aunt Lily said alright everyone time to leave. Everyone grabbed ahold of me and Harry and we flashed and appeared onto the platform. We all said goodbye to our parents and Bill, Fluer Charlie and Dora who apparated to see us off.

Mum said see you guys soon we love you all so much be careful. We all nodded and got onto the train and went to our carriage. All us girls sat down on our boyfriends lap and a few minutes later cedric's portunus appeared and said all prefects come to the first carriage for a meeting Myself, Harry, Mione,Ron, Drake and Pansy all got up and said bye see you guys later. The others all said bye. We  walked down to the first carriage and stepped in and saw Cedric and a girl named Rebekah from Ravenclaw standing and waiting.

We said hi to the other prefects as we took our seats. Cedric smiled and said hello guys we all said hi back. He smiled and handed out schedules for patrol. He then went onto his speech then he said after the end of this meeting will the following prefects stay here for a  second longer then listed off Mine, Harry's  Mione's, Ron's,Drake and Pansy's. The others left and I asked what's up Ced?

Cedric said I got a letter from Dumbledore asking me to ask you if you can help us plan another yule ball for the last day before Christmas and a graduation ball for the seventh years for the last night before leaving Hogwarts for the summer.

I said let me talk to the others about this  and I will give him an answer when we meet with him and the others after dinner tonight. We have to figure out how us fifth years will find the time seeing as it's our OWLS this year and you seventh years NEWTS. Cedric said of course Ana you guys are free to go back to you're Friends and carriage I will swing by and say hi later on.

We left and headed to our carriage. We got to our carriage, and Harry sat down and pulled me down onto his lap and the other guys did the same thing with the other girls. I said Dumbledore has asked me to talk to you guys about helping the seventh year prefects and Head boy and girl to plan a yule ball and a graduation ball for the seventh years. Mione said we will have to make the time between studying, classes, training, and the Quidditch season but I'm in to help out with it. Everyone else said we are in too.
I said okay then we will let grandpa Dumbledore know when we meet up with him and our family and the founders and Merlin.

Harry's P.O.V.
We were all sitting and talking when Cedric and Cho showed up and said hey guys mind if we join you guys Ana said of course you guys can. They Said thanks. We all said no problem. Ana said we are in with planning the balls this year I will let Dumbledore know later on tonight. They said okay. They stayed with us the rest of the ride to Hogwarts.

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