OCs Profiles

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Name: Hoshino Yuuki

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Name: Hoshino Yuuki

Gender: Female


Chronologically age: 18-36

Birthday: March 14

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Middle school: 150 cm (13)
High school: 163 cm (18)

Middle school: 153 cm (13/31)
High school: 166cm (18/36)

Middle school: 35 kg (13)
High school: 46 kg (18)

Middle school: 40 kg (13/31)
High school: 49kg (18/36)

Hair color: Black (straight)

Eye color: Orange

Skin tone: Pale white skin

Likes: Winter, spring, basketball, arts, drawing, cute things, reading manga & light novel, kind persons, children, Shutoku, her friends/family, fairness, orange juice, marshmallows,& sweets.

Dislikes: Pervert/Bad persons, studying, quizzes, tests, Haizaki Shougo, lightning, summer

Weakness: Dark places, being alone in the dark.

Hobbies: Studying, exercising, drawing and baking.

Love interest: Midorima Shintaro

Love interest: Midorima Shintaro

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Name: Fuyuka Miyuki

Gender: Female

Age: 4-17

Birthday: June 20

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Middle school- 145 cm (13)
High school- 157-160 cm (16-17)

Middle school- 38 kg (13)
High school- 47 kg (16-17)

Hair color: blue purple

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: Fair

Likes: Fun events, funny moments, cute things, her friends, her family, Shutoku, basketball, pranks, anime, manga, light novels &, ghost hunting.

Dislikes: Perverts, summer, bad guys, rainy day, slow internet, ads, and bullies.

Weakness: Lightning, not able to watch an anime for a day.

Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga and light novel.

Love interest: Aomine Daiki...?!

*Appearing soon in the future chapters:

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*Appearing soon in the future chapters:

Name: Koizumi Akira

Gender: Female

Age: 14-17

Birthday: January 20

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Middle school- 150 cm (14)
High school- 165 cm (17)

Middle school- 38 kg (14)
High school- 47 kg (17)

Hair: Orange

Eye color: Yellow

Skin tone: Fair

Likes: Attention, fashion, makeup, liptint, lip balm and sweets.

Dislikes: Uninteresting people, and someone who is stealing her spotlight.

Hobbies: Watching makeup tutorials, reading fashion magazines for fashion tips, scrolling her social media account.

Weakness: Test and creepy things.

Love interest: Midorima Shintaro

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