Chapter 24

18 3 11

Hoshino Yuuki's POV

After Shintaro-kun finished taking care of my finger nails, we hurriedly went to the gym and we were right on time.

'Are all of them new members? They are so many, about 30+, I think.'

"Well then, good lucky you two! We'll be watching over there," I pointed at one of the benches.

Shintaro-kun and Ryota-kun nodded at me with gratitude.

Miyu-chan and I sat on a bench, comfortably. Then, someone called the new players to stand in front of him with another man wearing a glasses. They must be the two of the coaches I've heard from my new classmate named Nijimura Shuzo-kun. He is also a member of the basketball club— a first string player. He mentioned to me and Miyu-chan that each strings has different coaches.

"First off," crossing his arms, one of the coaches started with brown hair, has high cheekbones, glasses and wearing a business suit, according to what Nijimura-kun described, he must be Sanada Naoto-san, the Assistant Coach, "achieving victory is the premise of this club."

He added, "Anyone who is not serious about this should go find another club. To those of you remain here, be prepared for extremely difficult training! Before we get to the self-introduction, we'll decide you off by class to test you. This will be the test of physical strength and skill.... We'll use the result of that test to put you into the first through third strings. You'll only be able to play in matches after you've made first string."

Coach Sanada continued, strictly, "You'll be tested periodically, so those who are in the 2nd and 3rd strings should not give up, but practice harder with the goal of being promoted."

He finished, "That's all!"

We watched their intense training began.

"Can I sit here with you guys?" A cute pink haired said with a smile.


She sat down at the vacant space from my other side. "Did you also joined this club as Managers?" she asked.

Miyu-chan and I nodded.

"I'm so glad that I'm not the only new Manager who joined! I've heard that there are 5 new Managers who joined today. 3 first years and 2 second years," the girl joyfully said.

"The two of us are those 2nd years. I'm Fuyuka Miyuki," introduced Miyu-chan.

"And my name is Hoshino Yuuki," I said with a smile on my face.

"I'm Momoi Satsuki. Feel free to call me by my first name. Nice to meet you, Fuyuka-san and Hoshino-san!"

"Me too!" said Miyu-chan.

"Likewise," I said. "Let's get along and work together, okay?"

"Hai, senpai!"

Just like what Coach Sanada said, the training was very difficult just by watching what they were doing. Their dribbling, shooting, passing, speed, and other skill were put into a test in a hard way. Because of the difficulty, some collapsed and could no longer continue.

I saw that sky blue haired from before, 'His skills and physical strength are far from being called average.... However, I have a feeling that there's something, I don't know, special... about him? I'm not quite sure. It must be my imagination.'

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Miyu-chan pointed out a person, "Look at that big guy! Can't you believe that he's only a first year student!? His height is like a collage student to me!"

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