Chapter 25

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3rd Person's POV

[A year later....]

Early morning in Teiko Middle School's 1st string gym....


Two of the basketball Managers, who were near the gym's entrance while carrying a half-piled of towels began to whisper among themselves, squealing as they did when they saw Seijuro entered the gym with poise and grace.

"Kyaaa! He's here!"

"He's got this amazing aura about him today, too."

Seijuro spotted Shintaro and walked towards him, seeing him stretching on the floor with a serious look plastered on his face.

"Oh, being thorough about your stretches today as well, huh, Midorima?"

Not so far from Shintaro, there was a golden trophy with a standing human figure, it's arms were crossed over its chest, forming an 'X'. It was Shintaro's lucky item of the day.

"Hmph, of course," Shintaro paused for a brief moment to push up his glasses. He gave Seijuro a sideway glance, "I'm always ready to give my utmost best-nanodayo."

Shintaro continued doing his stretches but stopped when he eyed the floor and saw some crumbs scattered around on a certain area.

No doubt, the 3-point shooter already knew who the culprit is.

It was none other than....

"Tch," with a deep frown, Shintaro faced the culprit's direction and yelled at him, "Murasakibara!! I've told you before not to eat those snacks out here-nanodayo!" (😂Shintaro, being the "mother figure" of the GOM ,began to scold one of his troublesome children.)

The tall purple haired Center crooked his head slightly to the side as he stared at Shintaro in confusion with an innocent look. "Hu—h? I haven't eaten any here," Atsushi told him with his usual lazy and bored tone that matches his facial expression.

"You ate them in the changing room then. Didn't you? There's a ton of crumbs all over your clothes-nanodayo!" Shintaro pointed out angrily.

"Ahh, my b—ad," looking down, Atsushi saw some crumbs sticking on his clothes. "Oh, it's just that. There~," Atsushi dusted off the crumbs on his clothes as he told Shintaro, "You know, when you try to eat the leftover powder bits from the bag and everything falls on your face."

Atsushi recalled that when they were in the changing room of boy's basketball club, he tried to eat the leftover powder by raising a pack of chips above his face while trying to get it into his mouth. Unfortunately, he ended up sprinkling himself with it instead.

"The spot where you did your stretches is covered with crumbs and grease now. It could be dangerous if we step there and slip there-nodayo!" Shintaro scolded him, now continuing his stretches.

"Come on, having to practice is a pain to the ass already so don't get pissed at me like that, Mido-ch—in." Atsushi turned his back at him and began to walk away from Shintaro, already annoyed from his scolding, "This much grease isn't even enough to make someone fall in the first plac—"

As Atsushi was about to finish his sentence, someone slipped on the spot where he was stretching awhile ago with a loud thud and followed by a loud cry of pain.


Surprised that someone did slipped by it, the giant Center stopped walking and looked over his shoulder, his purple eyes slightly widened for a moment in disbelief. "No way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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