Chapter 1

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(Here's the first chapter! I hope you'll like it and please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you!

And enjoy!


Hoshino Yuuki's POV

' I?'

I can't see anything. Why is it so pitch black?

I remembered a name...

'"Shintaro"... That's right! Shintaro! I need to check if he's still alive.'

I tried opening my eyelids, but it seemed to me that they were heavy and difficult to open. 'Huh!? I can't open my eyes...! Why!?'

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

'OUCH!! Hey!! Who's there!?'

"Not crying...?" I heard a voice of a man. He sounded close to me like he was right beside me.

Smack! Smack!


'OW!! Seriously, that hurts! Who are you!? How dare you slap my butt!'

"(Angry baby sounds)!?"

'...Did I just heard a baby's voice? Oh, well. Come on Yuuki, open your eyes! Go, go, g—o!

Ack! It won't open!

"She has your looks Mitsuki-san."


Someone wrapped my body with a clothe except my face so I can breath.

"(Confused baby voice)?" I asked.

'Eh? It sounded like... No. Hold on a sec. It's too early for me to make a conclusion.'

I tried speaking again. "(Cute baby sounds)."

'Wha!? The baby's voice from before was coming!?'

I panicked, "(Flustered baby sounds)."

Carefully, 'someone' handed me to someone I think...? I don't know! I can't see...!

"She's so cute."


"What will you name her, Asato-kun and Mitsuki-san?" asked the doctor.

Last Chance (Midorima Shintaro x OC) On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now